Hacker News with Generative AI: Society

Let's Talk About the American Dream (codinghorror.com)
A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of ourselves, our communities, and the American Dream itself. But staying gold isn’t passive. It takes work. It takes action. It takes hard conversations that ask us to confront where we’ve been, where we are, and who we want to be.
The A.I. Monarchy (substack.com)
Welcome to the Zero Sum Era. Now How Do We Get Out? (nytimes.com)
Zero-sum thinking has spread like a mind virus, from geopolitics to pop culture.
Should We Decouple Technology from Everyday Life? (thepublicdiscourse.com)
For decades, we have been told that the future is digital and that resistance is futile. But what if the future we truly want is one where the analogue coexists alongside the digital, where digital technology is an option and not a mandate?
The Delirious, Violent, Impossible True Story of the Zizians (wired.com)
I know this is unconventional, but I’m going to start by telling you the ending. Or at least, the ending as it stands today. Most of the people involved in this story wind up either dead, maimed, spending months in a mental hospital, languishing in jail, or gone underground.
'The tyranny of apps': those without smartphones are unfairly penalised (theguardian.com)
From loyalty cards, to restaurant meal deals or simply parking your car – it is harder and harder to get by without signing up to a multitude of apps
Who wants to work in a factory? (arenamag.com)
For more than half a century, we Americans have distanced ourselves from the making of our everyday surroundings.
An Age of Illiteracy (fiddlersgreene.substack.com)
Civilizational decline is anticlimactic. For all our contemporary fascination with collapse, degeneration’s lived experience is humiliatingly ordinary. It’s just a series of broken systems, ruined people, and things falling apart.
Broligarchy does not build civilization (ghost.io)
With the new administration taking over in USA, we will see success, improvements and positive change. We will also experience further polarization and division in society. We used to say with great power comes great responsibility. Now the saying will be “with great power comes greater power”. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Why bother with privacy when I have nothing to hide? (2023) (hannahonprivacy.substack.com)
Why bother with privacy when I have nothing to hide?
Ignorance is bliss when you're drowning in information (theregister.com)
I've never seriously accepted the maxim "ignorance is bliss". Now I'm less sure.
The Post-Meritocracy Manifesto (postmeritocracy.org)
Meritocracy is a founding principle of the open source movement, and the ideal of meritocracy is perpetuated throughout our field in the way people are recruited, hired, retained, promoted, and valued.
Advertising Is a Cancer on Society (2019) (zlydach.pl)
I frequently say that advertising is a cancer on modern society.
Forget Psychedelics. Everyone's Microdosing Ozempic Now (hollywoodreporter.com)
On a chilly January evening, Samira Shamoon, a 44-year-old health and beauty publicist, walked into an Italian restaurant to meet friends. They were stunned by the incandescence of her skin. Her cheekbones appeared more defined. After a flurry of questions about which dermatologist or plastic surgeon she had visited, she said, beaming, “I’m microdosing!”
Modern-Day Oracles or Bullshit Machines? How to thrive in a ChatGPT world (thebullshitmachines.com)
We were promised hyper-intelligent computer systems that would usher in an era of unparalleled prosperity and innovation.
AI dialogue analysis confirms movies have grown more violent over past 70 years (phys.org)
Movies often reflect the predominant societal and cultural values at the time they were shot. These values can be expressed in various elements of a film, including the interactions between characters, their communication styles and their characterizing traits.
Why Civilizations Collapse (palladiummag.com)
Why do civilizations collapse? This question bears not only on safeguarding our society’s future but also makes sense of our present. The answer relies on some of the same technē that humanity needed to build civilization in the first place: we have to evaluate the perceptions that mint facts and theory, not merely peruse the body of theories handed down to us.
Ask HN: What do you expect will be the real impact of AI on society in 10 years (ycombinator.com)
I started to get more curious on this, especially beyond the obligatory “genAI will do everything.” What are your thoughts on societal impact.
Ask HN: Why are we all pretending everything is normal? (ycombinator.com)
I know we’re supposed to be tech focused but I see no posts regarding the situation at large. No tech, no innovation can really grow or come about if this keeps going. Those of us who have grown up with relative freedom and the room to innovate owe it to those coming up to do something? The system isn’t perfect, but what is happening will make it worse. What can be done?
Five years of Brexit reshaped Britain (ft.com)
Society for Technical Communication to permanently close its doors (stc.org)
Despite significant efforts over the past several years by the various Boards of Directors and STC leadership, financial liabilities coupled with falling membership numbers have created a situation where we are not able to offer the education, resources, and outreach that this membership expects and deserves.
Larry Ellison: vast AI surveillance can ensure citizens are on best behavior (2024) (businessinsider.com)
But this is only the start of our surveillance dystopia, according to Larry Ellison, the billionaire cofounder of Oracle. He said AI will usher in a new era of surveillance that he gleefully said will ensure "citizens will be on their best behavior."
A New Hampshire libertarian utopia was foiled by bears (2020) (vox.com)
Seriously, this happened. You should absolutely read about it.
Yes, Climate Change Is Probably Going to Kill You (predicament.substack.com)
A lot of people don’t seem to understand the implications of climate change. The majority of people don’t deny that climate change is happening (well, at least outside of the United States), and most people also understand that it’s us causing it through emissions of greenhouse gases and land-use change. But they still don’t understand that they will probably die from it.
Invisible Epidemic: The Loneliness Epidemic (2023) (pudding.cool)
This is a 62-year-old Hispanic male – let's call him Martin.
I knew one day I'd have to watch powerful men burn the world down (theguardian.com)
I don’t know if anyone else has noticed this but everything seems to be going down the tubes quite fast. And not fun tubes, like at a waterpark. The “ending in shit” kind. The issues are complicated, the reasons diverse, but there are a few culprits who have been making themselves extremely visible.
Nobody cares (grantslatton.com)
Why does nobody care about anything? The world is full of stuff that could be excellent with just 1% more effort. But people don't care.
Sweden is a nearly cashless society – how it affects people who are left out (theconversation.com)
Around the world, cards and apps are the default way to pay – but nowhere is the transition away from cash more obvious than in Sweden. The Bank of Sweden notes that the amount of cash in circulation in the country has halved since 2007.
Why do small children in Japan ride the subway alone? (economist.com)
Why does Ohtani Shohei, a Japanese baseball star, pick up litter after games? Why do Japanese people queue so politely, and wait for green lights before crossing the road? Why, in short, is Japan so orderly? Some say the answer lies in its primary schools.
Stay Gold, America (codinghorror.com)
We are at an unprecedented point in American history, and I'm concerned we may lose sight of the American Dream.