Hacker News with Generative AI: Pets

Dog Aging Project (dogagingproject.org)
Oregon house cat dies from eating product that tested positive for bird flu (cnn.com)
Robot Dog and Leafblower = Labor-Free Yardwork (core77.com)
Redditor Enginerdz came up with a creative use for one of his robot dogs (he has four): Yardwork.
Why the First Pet Cemetery Was Revolutionary (smithsonianmag.com)
In the late 19th century, bereaved and yard-less pet owners began showing up at Hyde Park in London, imploring the groundskeeper to allow them to lay their dog or cat to rest there.
The Rise of Self-Cleaning, Cat-Killing Litter Boxes (hackaday.com)
Machines that automate the various tedious tasks that come with being a servant in a cat’s household — like feeding and cleaning Mr. Fluffles’ litter box — are generally a godsend, as they ensure a happy cat and a happy human. That is, unless said litter box-cleaning robot kills said cat.
The DEADLY self-cleaning litter boxes that have flooded the market [video] (youtube.com)
Self-cleaning Litterbox kills cats [video] (youtube.com)
Show HN: Waulog – A digital companion for dog owners (waulog.com)
Track, manage, and celebrate your furry friend's life with Waulog!
China could soon have more pets than toddlers. Why that's a headache for Beijing (cnn.com)
When I'm Dining Out, Should I Have to Deal with Your Dogs? (nytimes.com)
Show HN: Meet your ideal dog breed online and in-person before buying. (monetta.me)
Is My Cat a Prisoner? (thecut.com)
China will have nearly twice the pets than young children by 2030 (cnbc.com)
Cats appear to grieve death of fellow pets – even dogs, study finds (theguardian.com)
Improving cat food flavors with the help of feline taste-testers (phys.org)
They Thought They Knew Their Hamsters. Then They Put Up Spy Cameras (wsj.com)
Ask HN: Is there a way to get notified when my cat has seizures? (ycombinator.com)
Behold the $150k Dog Part cuddly. Part vicious. All status symbol (nymag.com)
CatLock: A simple utility to prevent accidental keyboard input by your cat (github.com/richiehowelll)
The man who reinvented the cat (newyorker.com)
The Emotional Support Animal Racket (astralcodexten.com)
Pet parrots prefer live video-calls (phys.org)
Cloudflare CEO sues over free-roaming fidos at his ski resort paradise (theregister.com)
Petoi Bittle – a programmable robot dog (petoi.com)