Hacker News with Generative AI: Therapy

My therapist exposed the real reason I procrastinate (reddit.com)
For years, I thought the only way to get myself to do anything was through guilt and self-criticism. If I didn’t bully myself into working, cleaning, or exercising, nothing would happen. It was always some variation of: “If I don’t do XYZ, I’m a failure and will feel horrible.” But in my last therapy session, my therapist said something that straight-up rewired my brain.
Is budgeting just therapy but for money (milofultz.com)
If I could convince anyone to do anything in particular, it would at least include therapy and budgeting. Which seems a little wild now that I put them together.
I am a better therapist since I let go of therapeutic theory Essays (aeon.co)
After decades of practising psychotherapy, I believe it has little foundation in science and often causes harm
Show HN: I made an app to challenge anxious thoughts with AI (resetapp.co.uk)
Reset offers a guided self therapy program to improve anxiety over 11 weeks.
My takeaways from 12 months of therapy (cauldron.life)
Therapy had been a buzzword amongst some people I know and on the web. Honestly, I believed it to be a waste of time and money. I gave therapy a try first in 2021, but it was short-lived and not so great. In 2024, I again got curious about the mental health space and started paying more attention to the issues I was facing in my daily life.
Self Unhelped: On psychoanalysis and therapeutic culture (sydneyreviewofbooks.com)
Reviewing books by two of the world’s leading psychoanalytic writers, Christian R. Gelder explores the challenge that psychoanalysis poses not only to conventional understandings of self and sex, but also to the prevailing therapeutic culture.
What happens when people with acute psychosis meet the voices in their heads? (theguardian.com)
Using avatars in psychosis therapy can help those who hear voices, study finds
Dungeon-mastering emotions: D&D meets group therapy (arstechnica.com)
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). A game of creativity and imagination, D&D lets players weave their own narrative, blending combat and roleplaying in an immersive gaming experience. And now, psychologists and therapists are working to turn it into a tool by exploring its potential benefits as a group therapy technique.
Therapists report significant psychological risks in psilocybin-assisted treat (psypost.org)