Hacker News with Generative AI: Procrastination

My therapist exposed the real reason I procrastinate (reddit.com)
For years, I thought the only way to get myself to do anything was through guilt and self-criticism. If I didn’t bully myself into working, cleaning, or exercising, nothing would happen. It was always some variation of: “If I don’t do XYZ, I’m a failure and will feel horrible.” But in my last therapy session, my therapist said something that straight-up rewired my brain.
Procrastination and the fear of not being good enough (swapnilchauhan.com)
Obsessed with Cuttle: Parametric CAD for prototyping, producing, and procrastin (hannahilea.com)
A Man Who Never Procrastinates (elpais.com)
The Student Syndrome: Delaying until right before deadlines (solvingprocrastination.com)
Procrastination can be caused by anxiety (solvingprocrastination.com)