Hacker News with Generative AI: Lua

Programming in Lua (first edition) (2003) (lua.org)
This is the online version of the first edition of the book Programming in Lua, a detailed and authoritative introduction to all aspects of Lua programming written by Lua's chief architect.
Prosody 0.12.5 released – An XMPP/Jabber server written in Lua (prosody.im)
We are pleased to announce a new minor release from our stable branch.
I made a tiny library for switches and sum types in Lua (github.com/alurm)
Minimalistic sum types and switches for Lua
Lua is so underrated (bearblog.dev)
The more I learn about Lua's design and implementation, the more impressed I am. It's very rare to see software that does so much with so little code.
Embedding Lua in Sqleibniz with Rust (xnacly.me)
I am currently writing a analysis tool for Sql: sqleibniz, specifically for the sqlite dialect.
Luon programming language (github.com/rochus-keller)
Luon is a high-level programming language with a syntax similar to Oberon+, Oberon-07 and Oberon-2, integrating concepts from Lua, and targeting the LuaJIT VM.
Why Smart C Coders Love Lua (realtimelogic.com)
A Walk with LuaJIT (polarsignals.com)
The following is a chronicle of implementing a general purpose zero-instrumentation BPF based profiler for LuaJIT.
SDL-based Lua programming environment for kids similar to Codea (github.com/antirez)
Load81 is an attempt at creating a Codea-inspired environment to teach children how to write Lua programs.
The Fennel Programming Language (fennel-lang.org)
Fennel is a programming language that brings together the simplicity, speed, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system.
LÖVR – A simple Lua framework for rapidly building VR experiences (github.com/bjornbytes)
A simple Lua framework for rapidly building VR experiences.
Fast Lua Serialization (2023) (artemis.sh)
Pallene: A statically compiled companion language for Lua (github.com/pallene-lang)
Bytecode Breakdown: Unraveling Factorio's Lua Security Flaws (memorycorruption.net)
Roblox has ported the entire front end JavaScript stack to Lua (twitter.com)
React Lua (github.com/jsdotlua)
Neovim decision to use Lua is paying off (reddit.com)
What I think about Lua after shipping a project with 60k lines of code (luden.io)
Bootstrapping a Forth in 40 lines of Lua code (angg.twu.net)
LSON: JSON with binary in 260 lines of public domain Lua (github.com/civboot)
LuaX – Lua interpreter, REPL, and useful packages (github.com/CDSoft)
Itchio and coroutines (using OpenResty and Lua/Lapis) (2016) (leafo.net)
Lapis: A Web Framework for Lua (leafo.net)
LuaRT: Lua programming environment for console, desktop applications for Windows (luart.org)
LunarML – Standard ML compiler that produces Lua/JavaScript (github.com/minoki)
Parseback: A pure-Lua introspection library for LuaJIT's FFI ctype objects (github.com/javierguerragiraldez)
Xmake: A cross-platform build utility based on Lua (github.com/xmake-io)
Piccolo – A Stackless Lua Interpreter (kyju.org)
How we manage individual user concurrencies with Nginx and Lua (browserless.io)
Lunatik: Lunatik is a framework for scripting the Linux kernel with Lua (github.com/luainkernel)