Hacker News with Generative AI: Static Typing

The case against static typing in PHP (2023) (tonymarston.net)
Imagine you are a developer writing a function which can be used in multiple places within your application. You have decided on a meaningful function name and a list of arguments, but when you come to write the code within the function you realise that one or more of the arguments needs to be qualified before the function can proceed with its assigned task. What do you do? There are two possible solutions to this scenario:
Typed Python in 2024: Well adopted, yet usability challenges persist (engineering.fb.com)
Ten years after the introduction of PEP 484, we surveyed the current state of the Python type system and the tools developers are using.
Unison Programming Language (unison-lang.org)
Unison is a friendly programming language from the future: statically-typed, functional, and a lot of fun 😄
Ruby's Hidden Gems: Sorbet (appsignal.com)
The debate between static and dynamically typed languages has long been a subject of contention among developers.
Vapour: A typed superset of the R programming language (vapour.run)
Vapour aims at making R developers more confident in their programs.
Statically Typed Functional Programming with Python 3.12 (wickstrom.tech)
Statically Typed Functional Programming with Python 3.12 (wickstrom.tech)
Branded types for TypeScript (carlos-menezes.com)
Borgo is a statically typed language that compiles to Go (github.com/borgo-lang)