Compiling Java into native binaries with Graal and Mill
One recent development is the ability to compile Java programs into self-contained native binaries. This provides more convenient single-file distributions, faster startup time, and lower memory footprint, at a cost of slower creation time and limitations around reflection and dynamic classloading. This article explores how you can get started building your Java program into a native binary, using the Mill build tool and the Graal native-image compiler, and how to think about the benefits and challenges of doing so.
One recent development is the ability to compile Java programs into self-contained native binaries. This provides more convenient single-file distributions, faster startup time, and lower memory footprint, at a cost of slower creation time and limitations around reflection and dynamic classloading. This article explores how you can get started building your Java program into a native binary, using the Mill build tool and the Graal native-image compiler, and how to think about the benefits and challenges of doing so.
How to compile Java into native binaries with Mill and Graal
One recent development is the ability to compile Java programs into self-contained native binaries. This provides more convenient single-file distributions, faster startup time, and lower memory footprint, at a cost of slower creation time and limitations around reflection and dynamic classloading. This article explores how you can get started building your Java program into a native binary, using the Mill build tool and the Graal native-image compiler, and how to think about the benefits and challenges of doing so.
One recent development is the ability to compile Java programs into self-contained native binaries. This provides more convenient single-file distributions, faster startup time, and lower memory footprint, at a cost of slower creation time and limitations around reflection and dynamic classloading. This article explores how you can get started building your Java program into a native binary, using the Mill build tool and the Graal native-image compiler, and how to think about the benefits and challenges of doing so.
Polyhedral Compilation
Polyhedral compilation encompasses the compilation techniques that rely on the representation of programs, especially those involving nested loops and arrays, thanks to parametric polyhedra FEAUTRIER1988PARAMETRICWILDE1993POLYLIBLOECHNER1999POLYLIB or Presburger relations KELLY1996OMEGAVERDOOLAEGE2010ISL, and that exploit combinatorial and geometrical optimizations on these objects to analyze and optimize the programs.
Polyhedral compilation encompasses the compilation techniques that rely on the representation of programs, especially those involving nested loops and arrays, thanks to parametric polyhedra FEAUTRIER1988PARAMETRICWILDE1993POLYLIBLOECHNER1999POLYLIB or Presburger relations KELLY1996OMEGAVERDOOLAEGE2010ISL, and that exploit combinatorial and geometrical optimizations on these objects to analyze and optimize the programs.
Swc4j: SWC for Java
swc4j (SWC for Java) is an ultra-fast JavaScript and TypeScript compilation and bundling tool on JVM.
swc4j (SWC for Java) is an ultra-fast JavaScript and TypeScript compilation and bundling tool on JVM.
Compilation on the GPU? A Feasibility Study (2022)
The emergence of highly parallel architectures has led to a renewed interest in parallel compilation.
The emergence of highly parallel architectures has led to a renewed interest in parallel compilation.
Compiling Bigloo Scheme to WebAssembly
In the JavaScript world, browser implementations have focused on JIT compilation as a high-performance implementation technique. Recently, new applications of JS, such as on cloud compute and edge compute platforms, have driven interest in non-JIT implementations of the language. For these kinds of use cases, fast startup and predictable performance can make traditional implementation approaches appealing. An example implementation is QuickJS, which compiles JS to a bytecode format and interprets the bytecodes.
In the JavaScript world, browser implementations have focused on JIT compilation as a high-performance implementation technique. Recently, new applications of JS, such as on cloud compute and edge compute platforms, have driven interest in non-JIT implementations of the language. For these kinds of use cases, fast startup and predictable performance can make traditional implementation approaches appealing. An example implementation is QuickJS, which compiles JS to a bytecode format and interprets the bytecodes.
Bear is a tool that generates a compilation database for Clang tooling
Bear is a tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling.
Bear is a tool that generates a compilation database for clang tooling.