Hacker News with Generative AI: PHP

PHP 8.4.4 Released (php.net)
The PHP development team announces the immediate availability of PHP 8.4.4. This is a bug fix release.
The State of PHP 2024 (jetbrains.com)
PHP continues to be a cornerstone of web development, powering millions of websites around the world. Its vibrant and dedicated community values its flexibility and ease of use. But what does the current state of PHP development look like?
The case against static typing in PHP (2023) (tonymarston.net)
Imagine you are a developer writing a function which can be used in multiple places within your application. You have decided on a meaningful function name and a list of arguments, but when you come to write the code within the function you realise that one or more of the arguments needs to be qualified before the function can proceed with its assigned task. What do you do? There are two possible solutions to this scenario:
PHP Docker image just hit 1B pulls on Docker Hub (mydevmentor.com)
So, the official PHP Docker image just hit a mind-blowing milestone:
Exploring PHP Lazy Objects: A Practical Implementation (dailyrefactor.com)
One of the new features in PHP 8.4 is Lazy Objects, which are part of the PHP OOP model.
Show HN: Yoyo is a Livewire/Htmx alternative for vanilla php (github.com/clickfwd)
Yoyo is a full-stack PHP framework to create rich, dynamic interfaces using server-rendered HTML. You keep on writing PHP and let Yoyo make your creations come alive.
Php.net Is Down (php.net)
A popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development.Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world.
PHP Is Legacy, in 2024 (vonage.com)
We travel in our jobs a lot at Vonage. I speak to plenty of developers from all walks of life, and I can confidently say one of the most asked questions I get is: Why do you still do PHP? Variations of this question can be "Isn't PHP supposed to be bad?" On several occasions, the person I was speaking to had done some PHP back in 2012. Or 2010. I forget.
PHP 8.4 (php.net)
PHP 8.4 is a major update of the PHP language. It contains many new features, such as property hooks, asymmetric visibility, an updated DOM API, performance improvements, bug fixes, and general cleanup.
Show HN: Dumbo – Hono inspired framework for PHP (github.com/notrab)
A lightweight, friendly PHP framework for HTTP — Inspired by Hono.
ActivityBot: A simple ActivityPub bot server in PHP (gitlab.com)
A single PHP file which acts as a basic ActivityPub bot server.
Fuzzing the PHP Interpreter via Dataflow Fusion (arxiv.org)
PHP, a dominant scripting language in web development, powers a vast range of websites, from personal blogs to major platforms.
Ask HN: Junior dev in charge of rewriting 500k line PHP app. Looking for advice (ycombinator.com)
We are a 4 person company, that makes a web app I'll call Star. Today, Star is 11 years old and showing its age. It was developed entirely by one of the founders, who has no formal training, and the niche industry we serve has changed greatly in the last decade, rendering many of our core abstractions obsolete. In theory, Star follows MVC, but in practice there is no coherent architecture.
PHPStan 2.0 Released for Leading PHP Static Analyzer (phoronix.com)
PHPStan 2.0 is out today as what is the best open-source static analyzer for the PHP programming language.
This Microservice Should Have Been a Library (github.com)
About 6 years ago when I was a PHP ecommerce dev, I've always wanted to work with distributed systems and microservices.
Upcoming Hardening in PHP (dustri.org)
In 2022, cfreal gave a talk at BlackAlps 2022 on Generic Remote Exploit Techniques For The PHP Allocator, And 0days. I was there as well, told him that it was ridiculous that PHP's heap was such a soft target, and that I might do something about it eventually, if only to make PHP exploitation less dull.
When Projects Stop (thefoggiest.dev)
In 2011, I used Scry as a self-hosted photo publishing platform. Scry was made in PHP, was file based and adhered to the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) philosophy of software development. It was very simple to use and maintain.
Functional PHP (2015) (fluffyandflakey.blog)
Over the course of the past week, I had a chance to write some brand new PHP code and I took the opportunity to try writing in a (mostly) purely functional style.
PeachPie Compiler: Compile and run PHP on top of .NET runtime (peachpie.io)
Compile and run PHP on top the modern, secure and highly performant .NET runtime.
React on the server is not PHP (artmann.co)
Today, I wanted to talk about a topic that's been buzzing around Twitter and dev circles lately. You've probably heard people say, "Now that we're server-side rendering JavaScript, it's just PHP all over again!" 🤔 Well, buckle up, because I'm about to explain why that's not quite the case – and why it's actually, it's pretty darn exciting!
Show HN: API Platform for Laravel (api-platform.com)
Why I avoid using empty() in PHP? A Closer Look (medium.com)
One of the most useful yet widely misunderstood functions in PHP is empty(). At first glance, empty() seems like a handy shortcut for checking if a variable is, well, empty. However, its behavior goes beyond the obvious. According to the PHP documentation, empty() considers the following values as "empty":
Goravel: PHP's Laravel like web framework supercharged with Go (github.com/saalikmubeen)
PHP's Laravel like web framework supercharged with Go.
PHP is the new JavaScript? (mux.com)
Show HN: High-performance Location tracking server built with PHP, Swoole (github.com/LAGGOUNE-Walid)
PHP Is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business (tomasvotruba.com)
Golang Interpreter Written in PHP (github.com/tuqqu)
PHP-Parser: A Native PHP Parser for Parsing and Analyzing PHP Code (github.com/nikic)
Textpattern CMS 4.9.0 beta.1: PHP 8.4 and MySQL 8.4, features, fixes, and more (textpattern.com)
Learn PHP the Right Way (github.com/ggelashvili)