Hacker News with Generative AI: Server-Side Rendering

Isomorphic Web Components (jakelazaroff.com)
Web components might be great, if only you could render them on the server.
A Guide to Server-Side Rendering (builder.io)
Server-side rendering (SSR) has been around for a while, but it's worth exploring further. This technique can make your web apps faster and more SEO-friendly.
React on the server is not PHP (artmann.co)
Today, I wanted to talk about a topic that's been buzzing around Twitter and dev circles lately. You've probably heard people say, "Now that we're server-side rendering JavaScript, it's just PHP all over again!" 🤔 Well, buckle up, because I'm about to explain why that's not quite the case – and why it's actually, it's pretty darn exciting!
Show HN: Brisa Framework – Unifying server and client using the Web Platform (brisa.build)
Build web applications with speed and simplicity
An SSR Performance Showdown (platformatic.dev)
Server-First Web Components with DSD, Htmx, and Islands (tympanus.net)
HMPL – template language for displaying UI from server to client (github.com/hmpl-lang)
React Flow 12: node-based UIs with computing flows and server-side rendering (reactflow.dev)
Show HN: Rise Tools. Server Defined Rendering for React Native (rise.tools)