Hacker News with Generative AI: Server-Side Rendering

Show HN: A no-build fullstack SSR TypeScript web framework (jsr.io)
FullS(tack)oak (FullSoak for short) is a modern (born 2025), no-build TypeScript fullstack framework for building fast web applications with a shallow learning curve. At its core is the Oak http server framework which is inspired by Koa (one of the popular Node.js http frameworks).
Isomorphic Web Components (jakelazaroff.com)
Web components might be great, if only you could render them on the server.
A Guide to Server-Side Rendering (builder.io)
Server-side rendering (SSR) has been around for a while, but it's worth exploring further. This technique can make your web apps faster and more SEO-friendly.
React on the server is not PHP (artmann.co)
Today, I wanted to talk about a topic that's been buzzing around Twitter and dev circles lately. You've probably heard people say, "Now that we're server-side rendering JavaScript, it's just PHP all over again!" 🤔 Well, buckle up, because I'm about to explain why that's not quite the case – and why it's actually, it's pretty darn exciting!
Show HN: Brisa Framework – Unifying server and client using the Web Platform (brisa.build)
Build web applications with speed and simplicity
An SSR Performance Showdown (platformatic.dev)
Server-First Web Components with DSD, Htmx, and Islands (tympanus.net)
HMPL – template language for displaying UI from server to client (github.com/hmpl-lang)
React Flow 12: node-based UIs with computing flows and server-side rendering (reactflow.dev)
Show HN: Rise Tools. Server Defined Rendering for React Native (rise.tools)