Hacker News with Generative AI: Astro

How to generate OpenGraph images with Astro and Satori (skyfall.dev)
Generating OpenGraph images for your Astro site is an easy way to increase click-through rates and make link previews more appealing. Here's how to set them up!
We switched from Next.js to Astro (and why it might interest you) (datocms.com)
If everything went according to plan, no one should have noticed anything. But for a few days now, this site has been completely new.
From Gatsby gridlock to Astro bliss: my personal site redesign (jwn.gr)
The lifecycle of a developer’s personal website is a reflection of the ever-evolving landscape of web technologies. Mine is no exception, having gone from humble HTML and CSS beginnings through Create React App and eventually landing on Gatsby. However, Gatsby has shown its age and I found myself seeking a modern alternative. Enter Astro – a framework that has breathed some new life into this site.