Hacker News with Generative AI: Static Analysis

What would it take to add refinement types to Rust? (yoric.github.io)
A few years ago, on a whim, I wrote YAIOUOM. YAOIOUM was a static analyzer for Rust that checked that the code was using units of measures correctly, e.g. a distance in meters is not a distance in centimeters, dividing meters by seconds gave you a value in m / s (aka m * s^-1).
What would it take to add refinement types to Rust? (yoric.github.io)
A few years ago, on a whim, I wrote YAIOUOM. YAOIOUM was a static analyzer for Rust that checked that the code was using units of measures correctly, e.g. a distance in meters is not a distance in centimeters, dividing meters by seconds gave you a value in m / s (aka m * s^-1).
PHPStan 2.0 Released for Leading PHP Static Analyzer (phoronix.com)
PHPStan 2.0 is out today as what is the best open-source static analyzer for the PHP programming language.
Jet.jl: static type checker with type inference for Julia (github.com/aviatesk)
JET employs Julia's type inference system to detect potential bugs and type instabilities.
Zod: TypeScript-first schema validation with static type inference (zod.dev)
Abstract Debuggers: Exploring Program Behaviors Using Static Analysis Results [pdf] (patricklam.ca)
Abstract Debuggers: Exploring Program Behaviors Using Static Analysis Results [pdf] (patricklam.ca)
What's Coming Next for ESLint (eslint.org)
Batfish: OSS network configuration static analysis, find bugs, test correctness (github.com/batfish)
Fixing C source code from the internet using cake static analyzer (youtube.com)
Pylyzer – A fast static code analyzer and language server for Python (github.com/mtshiba)