Hacker News with Generative AI: R

Why R is the best coding language for data journalism (economist.com)
This article is adapted from an edition of our Off the Charts newsletter originally published in October 2021. Off the Charts is a weekly, subscriber-only guide to The Economist’s award-winning data journalism and the ideas, processes and tools that go into creating it.
Debugging Compiled Code for R with Positron (tylermw.com)
Positron is a new IDE by the creators of RStudio that’s built on VSCode’s open source core, but layered with extra bells and whistles for R (and Python, if that’s your thing). And those bells and whistles’ music is particularly well tuned for R developers working with compiled code, which was always a rather rough experience in RStudio.
Vapour: A typed superset of the R programming language (vapour.run)
Vapour aims at making R developers more confident in their programs.
React for R (github.com/react-R)
reactR provides a set of convenience functions for using React in R with htmlwidget constructor templates and local JavaScript dependencies.
Show HN: Create Music with R (github.com/flujoo)
Maker of RStudio launches new R and Python IDE (infoworld.com)
Sculpting the moon in R: Subdivision surfaces and displacement mapping (tylermw.com)
Formatted spreadsheets can still work in R (luisdva.github.io)
Enhancing R: The Vision and Impact of Jan Vitek's MaintainR Initiative (r-consortium.org)