Hacker News with Generative AI: Forth

My history with Forth and stack machines (2010) (yosefk.com)
This is a personal account of my experience implementing and using the Forth programming language and the stack machine architecture. "Implementing and using" – in that order, pretty much; a somewhat typical order, as will become apparent.
My4th Light – Custom 8-Bit Forth CPU (mynor.org)
The new "XS" platform allows an even smaller computer design. Compared to the original My4TH computer board, the new XS platform has a much more compact microcode.
Adding Raylib to Forth (medium.com)
I have forked pForth as pforth-raylib to add support for Raylib to the language.
Common Lisp implementation of the Forth 2012 Standard (github.com/gmpalter)
Common Lisp implementation of the Forth 2012 Standard, CL-Forth
Callisto: Reverse polish notation programming language inspired by YSL-C3, Forth (github.com/callisto-lang)
A ready to use interactive Forth system for STM8 MCUs (github.com/TG9541)
Subject: Re: Hang on, isn't Forth out of date now? (1996) (tuwien.ac.at)
The Forth Deck mini: a portable Forth computer with a discrete CPU (mynor.org)
A Forth Story (1995) (groups.google.com)
As you learn Forth, it learns from you (1981) (jupiter-ace.co.uk)
Forsp: A Forth+Lisp Hybrid Lambda Calculus Language (xorvoid.com)
Bootstrapping a Forth in 40 lines of Lua code (angg.twu.net)