Hacker News with Generative AI: 6502

Explaining my fast 6502 code generator (2023) (pubby.games)
To learn how optimizing compilers are made, I built one targeting the 6502 architecture. In a bizarre twist, my compiler generates faster code than GCC, LLVM, and every other compiler I compared it to.
Elite on the 6502: The original 6502 assembly source, heavily commented (bbcelite.com)
This site contains the original 1980s source code for the classic space game Elite, with every single line documented and (for the most part) explained. It is literally the original 6502 assembly source code, just heavily commented.
KickC is a C-compiler for 6502-based platforms creating readable assembler code (gitlab.com)
Virtualizing the 6502 on a 6502 with 6o6 (blogspot.com)