Caddy – The Ultimate Server with Automatic HTTPS
The Ultimate Server makes your sites more secure, more reliable, and more scalable than any other solution.
The Ultimate Server makes your sites more secure, more reliable, and more scalable than any other solution.
Dissecting Puma: Anatomy of a Ruby Web Server
Puma is the most popular1 web server for running Ruby applications. If you’ve recently started working on a new Rails application, chances are you’re using Puma to serve HTTP traffic, as it is the default Ruby on Rails server. Puma has stood the test of time, having gone through three major Ruby versions and been around for over 15 years, making it a treasure trove of interesting and mature design decisions.
Puma is the most popular1 web server for running Ruby applications. If you’ve recently started working on a new Rails application, chances are you’re using Puma to serve HTTP traffic, as it is the default Ruby on Rails server. Puma has stood the test of time, having gone through three major Ruby versions and been around for over 15 years, making it a treasure trove of interesting and mature design decisions.
Multifaceted Monitoring of Angie, an Nginx fork
Angie is an nginx fork that offers additional functionality while preserving nginx's lightweight and efficient design.
Angie is an nginx fork that offers additional functionality while preserving nginx's lightweight and efficient design.
Caddy Ninja – Setup an HTTPS-Enabled Web Server with Caddy on Alpine Linux
Setup an HTTPS-enabled web server with Caddy on Alpine Linux
Setup an HTTPS-enabled web server with Caddy on Alpine Linux
Tengine: Open-source web server, originated by Taobao, based on Nginx
Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features.
Tengine is a web server originated by Taobao, the largest e-commerce website in Asia. It is based on the Nginx HTTP server and has many advanced features.
Customizing Nginx Logs: A Comprehensive Guide
Nginx, like most applications, records a wealth of data related to client interactions, system events, and potential errors. However, this data's potential can only be fully realized through proper configuration, management, and analysis.
Nginx, like most applications, records a wealth of data related to client interactions, system events, and potential errors. However, this data's potential can only be fully realized through proper configuration, management, and analysis.