Hacker News with Generative AI: Homelab

Show HN: Proxmox VE Helper Scripts: Make managing your homelab a breeze (proxmoxve-scripts.com)
150+ scripts to help you manage your Proxmox VE environment. Whether you're a seasoned user or a newcomer, Proxmox VE Helper Scripts has got you covered.
Borg, My Post-Pandemic Homelab Server (2023) (taoofmac.com)
Resistance is, indeed, futile. I now have a new homelab server and its name is borg, partly because it is a rough cube ~22 cm on a side:
The Aurga Viewer Wireless KVM (taoofmac.com)
As much as I love virtualizing machines in my homelab and putting the hardware as far away from my desk as possible, the truth of the matter is that there always comes a time when you need “physical” access to the host to deal with boot issues, change BIOS configurations and other types of housekeeping–and regular remote access just won’t cut it in those times.
My Homelab Setup (arslan.io)
I replaced my existing Homelab setup from the ground up with Unifi's latest Gateways, Switches APs, and Cameras. Here is what I did and how it ended up.
My Homelab Setup (arslan.io)
I replaced my existing Homelab setup from the ground up with Unifi's latest Gateways, Switches APs, and Cameras. Here is what I did and how it ended up.
Show HN: Proxmox VE Helper Scripts: Make managing your homelab a breeze (vercel.app)
Show HN: Proxmox VE Helper Scripts: Make managing your homelab a breeze (vercel.app)
Building a Homelab, Part 4 – Nixification, Kubernetes (janissary.xyz)
Rebuilding my homelab: Suffering as a service (xeiaso.net)
Zoraxy: Open-Source, All in one homelab network routing solution (arozos.com)
Build a tiny certificate authority for your homelab (smallstep.com)
Homelab Cable Television Setup [video] (youtube.com)
A quick look at my homelab [video] (youtube.com)