Hacker News with Generative AI: Remote Access

Show HN: Copy from tmux/nvim to clipboard over SSH (mil.ad)
Copying text to clipboard when working on a remote machine via SSH can be tricky. While you can usually highlight text with your mouse to copy it to the primary selection clipboard (and paste with middle-click), this approach has limitations.
I made a vanity VNC server (and I'm not the only one) (ache.one)
VNC is a well-known protocol for remote desktop sharing. This blog post is the story of a web project that led to the creation of a "vainity" VNC.
Guide to SSH Reverse Tunneling (pinggy.io)
SSH reverse tunneling is a powerful tool that enables secure remote access to systems or services that are behind firewalls or NATs (Network Address Translation). It is often used to provide external access to local systems and services without modifying the network’s security settings. In this detailed guide, we will break down SSH reverse tunneling, explain its applications, highlight security practices, and discuss alternatives. We will then discuss how Pinggy uses SSH reverse tunneling to share applications and services from localhost.
Access your Raspberry Pi without a public IP (pinggy.io)
In this blog, we’ll discuss how to securely connect to your Raspberry Pi or IoT device remotely from anywhere over the internet without port forwarding, allowing you to remotely manage your devices more effectively.
Ask HN: How did you replace Teleport? (ycombinator.com)
Teleport is a good software if you can't configure your SSH servers with Kerberos, or can't figure out Kubernetes' millions of authentication and authorisations solutions.
Show HN: FFmpeg-over-IP – Connect to remote FFmpeg servers (github.com/steelbrain)
Connect to remote ffmpeg servers. Are you tired of unsuccessfully trying to pass your GPU through to a docker container running in a VM? So was I! ffmpeg-over-ip allows you to run an ffmpeg server on a machine with access to a GPU (Linux, Windows, or Mac) and connect to it from a remote machine. The only thing you need is Node.js installed and a shared filesystem (could be NFS, SMB, etc.) between the two machines.
X11 Forwarding and Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (2021) (thomasward.com)
The below guide documents how to install Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2) and configure X11 forwarding so graphical programs run from inside WSL2 display locally on Windows.
The Aurga Viewer Wireless KVM (taoofmac.com)
As much as I love virtualizing machines in my homelab and putting the hardware as far away from my desk as possible, the truth of the matter is that there always comes a time when you need “physical” access to the host to deal with boot issues, change BIOS configurations and other types of housekeeping–and regular remote access just won’t cut it in those times.
Using rsync to create a limited ability to write remote files (utoronto.ca)
Suppose that you have an isolated high security machine and you want to back up some of its data on another machine, which is also sensitive in its own way and which doesn't really want to have to trust the high security machine very much.
Run VSCode and terminal on any iOS device (blink.sh)
$ ssh sshtron.zachlatta.com (zachlatta.com)
usbredir: A protocol for sending USB device traffic over a network connection (spice-space.org)
VNC Resolver (computernewb.com)