Hacker News with Generative AI: Data Backup

FBI Says Backup Now–Advisory Warns of Dangerous Ransomware Attacks (forbes.com)
The FBI warns organizations to backup now.
I was told to make backups, not test them (theregister.com)
Lionel was given the gig and kicked things off by asking Richard when he last conducted a test restore.
What performance should you get from different types of storage? (eclecticlight.co)
External storage is invariably sold with ‘up-to’ performance figures. In practice, you’ll seldom realise anything like some write or read speeds claimed. And when it comes to prolonged tasks like that first full Time Machine backup, no matter how fast you thought that drive would be, it always takes longer than expected.
Using rsync to create a limited ability to write remote files (utoronto.ca)
Suppose that you have an isolated high security machine and you want to back up some of its data on another machine, which is also sensitive in its own way and which doesn't really want to have to trust the high security machine very much.
Ask HN: Strategies for local backups of cloud data? (ycombinator.com)
A Case for Backing Up Your Precious Photos and Files at Home (wsj.com)
Windows 11 is now enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission (neowin.net)
Disaster Recovery with ZFS and Zrepl (chromakode.com)