Hacker News with Generative AI: Cloud Storage

Microsoft to Archive Unlicensed OneDrive Accounts This Month (petri.com)
Microsoft will start archiving unlicensed OneDrive for Business accounts on January 27.
We Have Google Drive at Home: Musings on Merkle-Tree Based File Sharing (dolthub.com)
Suppose you have a directory of files that you want to sync with your friends. When the files change, you want your friends to be able to download just the changes without needing to re-download the entire directory again. And you want this to scale, no matter how many or how large the files are. What's the best way to do this?
Show HN: Open Rewind – POC for audio and screen and video streaming to S3 (github.com/janwilmake)
Today I was inspired by this tweet after which I fell into this rabbit hole to create an efficient recorder for your Screen, System audio, and Mic.
Ask HN: Why Google Photos still so expensive when storage is so much cheaper? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: Why Google Photos still so expensive when storage is so much cheaper?
Show HN: I built open source file sharing solution using AWS S3 (kinsta.app)
Configure S3 Settings
Hetzner: S3-compatible Object Storage is here (hetzner.com)
Object Storage is the S3-compatible storage solution that grows with your data requirements - highly available, secure and flexible.
Mount S3 like local file system for macOS (mountos.app)
mountOS (mount Object Storage) allows seamless integration of S3-compatible cloud storage, making it accessible and usable as a file system
5x faster satellite data retrieval (terrafloww.com)
The rapid growth of Earth observation data in cloud storage, which will continue to grow exponentially, powered by falling rocket launch prices by companies like SpaceX, has pushed us to think of how we access and analyze satellite imagery.
S3 Tables (meltware.com)
AWS announced S3 Tables yesterday, which brings native support for Apache Iceberg to S3. It’s hard to overstate how exciting this is for the data analytics ecosystem.
New Amazon S3 Tables: Storage optimized for analytics workloads (amazon.com)
Amazon S3 Tables give you storage that is optimized for tabular data such as daily purchase transactions, streaming sensor data, and ad impressions in Apache Iceberg format, for easy queries using popular query engines like Amazon Athena, Amazon EMR, and Apache Spark.
Hetzner Object Storage (hetzner.com)
Object Storage is the S3 compatible storage solution that grows with your data requirements - highly available, secure and flexible.
Wasabi (S3 Storage) is down (wasabi.com)
We are currently investigating reported network errors across all regions. Access to both Console and S3 services may return errors. We will update this page as we have more information.
Amazon S3 now supports the ability to append data to an object (amazon.com)
Amazon S3 Express One Zone now supports the ability to append data to an object.
Launch HN: Regatta Storage (YC F24) – Turn S3 into a local-like, POSIX cloud FS (ycombinator.com)
Hey HN, I’m Hunter the founder of Regatta Storage (https://regattastorage.com). Regatta Storage is a new cloud file system that provides unlimited pay-as-you-go capacity, local-like performance, and automatic synchronization to S3-compatible storage. For example, you can use Regatta to instantly access massive data sets in S3 with Spark, Pytorch, or pandas without paying for large, local disks or waiting for the data to download.
Firefiles: Open-Source Alternative to Dropbox, Google Drive and Tresorit (openalternative.co)
Firefiles revolutionizes cloud storage management by offering a unified platform for all your storage needs.
Delivering 15TB of 4K video with Cloudflare R2 for $2.18 (screencasting.com)
We serve a lot of video. In fact, just last month, our viewers watched over 15 terabytes of it—and with several new courses planned, our monthly bandwidth will more than double next year.
GPU Accelerated Object Storage (acceleratedcloudstorage.com)
GPU-Optimized Cloud Object Storage for Real-Time Data Access
Backblaze Rate Limiting Policy for Consistent Performance (backblaze.com)
Highways have lanes for a reason. The lanes help ensure that large volumes of traffic can reach their destinations quickly and safely. And they support order and predictability in systems where some folks want (or need) to go NASCAR fast and others like myself a little less so.
Apple facing near-£3B UK lawsuit over cloud storage 'monopoly' (theguardian.com)
Apple is facing a near-£3bn lawsuit over claims it breached competition law by effectively locking millions of UK consumers into its cloud storage service at “rip-off” prices.
AIStor: The Most Powerful Version of MinIO (min.io)
Today we announced the launch of AIStor, a new release which represents our singular focus on building the world’s finest object store for AI/ML workloads.
Storing Files in Chess Games for Free Cloud Storage [video] (youtube.com)
Show HN: Rust Based Desktop Client for Self Hostable Personal Cloud over S3 (github.com/doshareme)
This repository contains source code for desktop clients for DoShare Personal Cloud, support MacOS, Linux, and Windows operating systems is included as scope any features and ideas or bugs will be considered. Any other issue outside these specific OS is outside the scope of the repository.
How is Cloudflare able to offer free egress for R2 objects? (ycombinator.com)
How is Cloudflare able to offer free egress for R2 objects?
Using S3 presigned upload URLs with Hetzners's new object storage (launchway.dev)
Learn how to configure CORS policies for Hetzner's S3-compatible object storage, enabling presigned URLs for direct user uploads in your web apps
S3 as a Git remote and LFS server (github.com/awslabs)
This library enables to use Amazon S3 as a git remote and LFS server.
Puter.js (puter.com)
Puter.js provides auth, cloud storage, database, GPT-4o, Sonnet 3.5, DALL-E 3, and more, all through a single JavaScript library. No backend. No servers. No configuration.
End-to-End Encrypted Cloud Storage in the Wild: A Broken Ecosystem (brokencloudstorage.info)
Cloud storage is ubiquitous: Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive are household names. However, these services do not provide end-to-end encryption (E2EE), meaning that the provider has access to the data stored on their servers. The promise of end-to-end encrypted cloud storage is that users can have the best of both worlds, keeping control of their data using cryptographic techniques, while still benefiting from low-cost storage solutions.
End of the road for Google Drive in Transmit (panic.com)
We never like removing functionality from our apps. We especially don’t like doing it when it’s due to circumstances beyond our control. But, sometimes — rarely? — it can happen, and so, please take note:
Show HN: Open-source, E2E encrypted file storage on Google Drive (zerodrive.xyz)
Hetzner Object Storage (hetzner.com)