Hacker News with Generative AI: Dropbox

Delaware faces exodus of tech companies (newsweek.com)
Delaware is facing a further exodus of tech companies amid reports that Meta and Dropbox are moving out of the state.
Dropbox Engineering Career Framework (dropbox.github.io)
The Engineering Career Framework is your source for how to achieve impact for your role and team and how to grow in your engineering career.
Dropbox announces 20% global workforce reduction (dropbox.com)
Today, our cofounder and CEO Drew Houston shared the difficult news that we’ll be making reductions to our global workforce.
What’s new with our in-house load balancing service (dropbox.tech)
Robinhood is the internal Dropbox load balancing service we deployed in 2020. It is responsible for routing all our internal traffic between servers to balance service load.
Dropbox keeps threatening to delete my files (khromov.se)
For the past two years, I’ve been on the receiving end of a passive aggressive win-back campaign from Dropbox.
Testing sync at Dropbox (2020) (dropbox.tech)
Tell HN: Dropbox Hacked, Passwords Leaked (ycombinator.com)
A recent security incident involving Dropbox Sign (dropbox.com)
Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign) data breach (dropbox.com)
Dropbox filed an 8-K with the SEC for a breach. User OAuth, API and MFA tokens (sec.gov)
Ask HN: Is iCloud a viable alternative to Dropbox? Any other alternatives? (ycombinator.com)