Hacker News with Generative AI: Molecular Biology

HORNET: RNA structure visualization method correlates sequence and 3D topology (phys.org)
National Cancer Institute researchers have developed a method called HORNET for characterizing 3D topological structures of large and flexible RNA molecules.
Molecular machines that loop chromosomes also twist DNA (phys.org)
Scientists from the Kavli Institute of Delft University of Technology and the IMP Vienna Biocenter have discovered a new property of the molecular motors that shape our chromosomes.
Francis Crick's "Central Dogma" was misunderstood (asimov.press)
The Central Dogma is a linchpin for understanding how cells work, and yet it is one of the most widely misunderstood concepts in molecular biology.
Chai-1: Decoding the molecular interactions of life (chaidiscovery.com)
We’re excited to release Chai-1, a new multi-modal foundation model for molecular structure prediction that performs at the state-of-the-art across a variety of tasks relevant to drug discovery. Chai-1 enables unified prediction of proteins, small molecules, DNA, RNA, covalent modifications, and more.
Bridge RNAs direct programmable recombination of target and donor DNA (nature.com)
Molecular Interactions and the Behaviors of Biological Macromolecules (chemistry.gatech.edu)
AlphaFold 3 predicts the structure and interactions of life's molecules (google)