Hacker News with Generative AI: Cancer Research

Pancreatic cancer: blocked nerves as a possible new treatment strategy (dkfz.de)
Pancreatic cancer is fueled by connections to the nervous system. This is reported by scientists from the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the Heidelberg Institute for Stem Cell Technology and Experimental Medicine (HI-STEM)* in their current publication in Nature. The team discovered that the tumor reprograms the neurons for its own benefit. In mice, blocking nerve function inhibited cancer growth and increased the sensitivity of tumor cells to certain chemotherapies and immunotherapies.
HORNET: RNA structure visualization method correlates sequence and 3D topology (phys.org)
National Cancer Institute researchers have developed a method called HORNET for characterizing 3D topological structures of large and flexible RNA molecules.
Vaccine shows promise against aggressive breast cancer (medicine.washu.edu)
A small clinical trial shows promising results for patients with triple-negative breast cancer who received an investigational vaccine designed to prevent recurrence of tumors.
Survival Analysis Part I: Basic concepts and first analyses (2003) (nature.com)
In many cancer studies, the main outcome under assessment is the time to an event of interest.
Nanorobot with hidden weapon kills cancer cells (news.ki.se)
Re-engineering cancerous tumors to self-destruct and kill drug-resistant cells (psu.edu)
Why haven't biologists cured cancer? (writingruxandrabio.com)
Personalised melanoma mRNA cancer trial in stage 3 (theguardian.com)