Hacker News with Generative AI: Immunology

Woman who had pioneering cancer treatment 18 years ago still in remission (theguardian.com)
A woman treated with a pioneering type of immunotherapy for a solid tumour has been in remission for more than 18 years with no further treatments, experts have revealed.
Mitochondrial swap from cancer to immune cells thwarts anti-tumour defences (nature.com)
Immune cells can destroy cancer, but tumours often evade such responses. The bidirectional transfer of mitochondria between cancer and immune cells is a newly discovered mechanism that thwarts anticancer defences.
Scientists Say They've Discovered How Cancer Hijacks and Corrupts Immune Cells (singularityhub.com)
Cancer cells steal from and poison the cells tasked with fighting them off.
Micro nutrients as immunomodulators in the ageing population (biomedcentral.com)
Immunosenescence, the slow degradation of immune function over time that is a hallmark and driver of aging, makes older people much more likely to be killed by common infections (such as flu) than young adults, but it also contributes greatly to rates of chronic inflammation in later life.
Novel link between cell nutrition and identity could improve immunotherapies (genengnews.com)
The immune system relies on specialized “effector” T cells to fight off pathogens. However, in chronic infections such as cancer or HIV, the perpetual activation of these cells can turn them into “exhausted” T cells unable to continue fighting.
Designer cells 'reboot' immune system in 3 different autoimmune diseases (livescience.com)
Viral trapdoor: Scientists discover how a protein protects against HIV, herpes (medicalxpress.com)
A group of researchers discovered how a protein linked to the human immune system wards off HIV-1 and herpes simplex virus-1 by assembling structures in the cell that lure in these viruses and then trap them or even take them apart.
World-first therapy using donor cells sends autoimmune diseases into remission (nature.com)
One woman and two men with severe autoimmune conditions have gone into remission after being treated with bioengineered and CRISPR-modified immune cells1.
SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells not durably in bone marrow after mRNA vaccine (nature.com)
As of August 2024, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has infected over 776 million people worldwide and killed 7.1 million, including 1.2 million in the United States alone1.
Giving T cells extra batteries supercharges them against cancer (newatlas.com)
T cells are our first line of defense against cancer, but the battle tends to exhaust them. Now, scientists have found a way to give them extra “batteries” to keep them fighting longer, with promising early results in mice.
First mouse model with complete, functional human immune system (news.uthscsa.edu)
Tissue T cell activation and viral RNA Persist 2 Years after SARS-CoV-2 (science.org)
Light targets cells for death and triggers immune response with laser precision (news.illinois.edu)
Discovery of new white blood cell function (cam.ac.uk)
A Trial HIV Vaccine Triggered Elusive and Essential Antibodies in Humans (dukehealth.org)
New mRNA cancer vaccine triggers immune response to malignant brain tumor (ufhealth.org)