Hacker News with Generative AI: Mice

RNA molecule rejuvenates ageing mice by restoring old cells (nature.com)
Injecting old mice with an RNA molecule seems to reverse some signs of ageing — helping them to live longer, regrow hair and maintain their physical and mental abilities.
Fun with Logitech MX900 Bluetooth receivers (2006) (nynaeve.net)
For some time now, I have been partial to cordless mice; they’re much less of a hastle to use than “conventional” mice, especially if you use a laptop primarily.
Live imaging of ovulation in action reveals three distinct phases in mice (phys.org)
Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences have developed a live imaging method that reveals the process of ovulation in unprecedented detail.
Eating less can lead to a longer life: study in mice shows why (nature.com)
Cutting calorie intake can lead to a leaner body — and a longer life, an effect often chalked up to the weight loss and metabolic changes caused by consuming less food. Now, one of the biggest studies1 of dietary restrictions ever conducted in laboratory animals challenges the conventional wisdom about how dietary restriction boosts longevity.
Dietary restriction impacts health and lifespan of genetically diverse mice (nature.com)
Caloric restriction (CR) delays the onset of age-related diseases and extends lifespan in multiple species1.
Scientists develop mRNA vaccine that protects mice against C. difficile bacteria (medicalxpress.com)
A large team of microbiologists, pathologists and infectious diseases specialists affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. has developed an mRNA vaccine that has thus far been found able to protect mice against intestinal Clostridioides difficile bacterial infections.
Study finds grandfathers' workouts enhance grandsons' cognition in mice (psypost.org)
New research published in The Journal of Neuroscience demonstrates that the cognitive benefits of physical exercise can be transmitted transgenerationally from grandfathers to grandsons, suggesting that exercise-induced cognitive improvements may persist across multiple generations.
Logitech: 'Forever mouse' was just a (bad) idea (pcworld.com)
The brain's 'fear circuit' works differently than we thought in mice: study (livescience.com)
Combining Ayahuasca Compound with Drugs Like Ozempic Could Treat Diabetes Mice (scientificamerican.com)
Scientists discover a new hormone that can build strong bones in mice (ucsf.edu)
An energy mismatch helps mice that eat less live longer (pnas.org)
Deletion of Il11 extended the lives of mice by 25% (nature.com)
Anti-ageing 'supermodel granny' drug extends life in mice by 25% (bbc.com)
New anti-ageing therapy extends life of mice by 25% (ft.com)
Wireless Amiga Tank Mouse (lyonsden.net)
Microbiome composition varies based on sampling time, mouse study finds (statnews.com)
The ketogenic diet improves healthspan and memory in aging mice (medicalxpress.com)
Vaccine strategy that is effective against any strain of a virus in mice (news.ucr.edu)