Hacker News with Generative AI: Brain

How your morning coffee is changing the structure of your brain (newatlas.com)
A novel placebo-controlled study has found daily caffeine consumption can significantly reduce the volume of gray matter in the human brain.
New neuroscience research shows Covid-19 leaves mark on young adult brains (psypost.org)
A new study published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity has found that young adults who have recovered from COVID-19 show distinct patterns of brain activity during cognitive tasks, even if they perform normally on those tasks.
I'm a neuroscientist. Here's how gambling can change your brain (sciencefocus.com)
Concept cells help your brain abstract information and build memories (quantamagazine.org)
Individual cells in the brain light up for specific ideas. These concept neurons, once known as “Jennifer Aniston cells,” help us think, imagine and remember episodes from our lives.
Good readers have distinct brain anatomy, research reveals (psypost.org)
The number of people who read for fun appears to be steadily dropping. Fifty percent of UK adults say they don’t read regularly (up from 42% in 2015) and almost one in four young people aged 16-24 say they’ve never been readers, according to research by The Reading Agency.
Breathing coordinates brain rhythms during sleep (news.northwestern.edu)
Just as a conductor coordinates different instruments in an orchestra to produce a symphony, breathing coordinates hippocampal brain waves that strengthen memory while we sleep, reports a new Northwestern Medicine study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Consciousness Might Hide in Our Brain's Electric Fields (scientificamerican.com)
A mysterious electromagnetic mechanism may be more important than the firing of neurons in our brain to explain our awareness
Handwriting but not typewriting leads to widespread connectivity in brain (openread.academy)
Spike Protein Lingers in Brain, Fuels Long Covid (neurosciencenews.com)
A new study reveals that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein remains in brain-protective tissues and skull bone marrow for years after infection, potentially driving long COVID’s neurological symptoms.
Tweaking non-neural brain cells can cause memories to fade (arstechnica.com)
Tweaking non-neural brain cells can cause memories to fade
'Brain stars' store our memories like a microscopic filing cabinet (newatlas.com)
Fascinating new findings into how clusters of 'brain stars' retain memories has changed what we know about how they're held in our minds.
The brain summons deep sleep for healing from life-threatening injury (nature.com)
Immune cells rush to the brain and promote deep sleep after a heart attack, according to a new study1 involving both mice and humans. This heavy slumber helps recovery by easing inflammation in the heart, the study found.
High-resolution postmortem human brain MRI at 7 tesla (pulkit-khandelwal.github.io)
Ex vivo MRI of the brain provides remarkable advantages over in vivo MRI for visualizing and characterizing detailed neuroanatomy, and helps to link microscale histology studies with morphometric measurements.
Oligodendroglial fatty acid metabolism as a CNS energy reserve (nature.com)
Brain function requires a constant supply of glucose. However, the brain has no known energy stores, except for glycogen granules in astrocytes. In the present study, we report that continuous oligodendroglial lipid metabolism provides an energy reserve in white matter tracts.
Human brain changes after first psilocybin use (biorxiv.org)
Psychedelics have robust effects on acute brain function and long-term behavior but whether they also cause enduring functional and anatomical brain changes is unknown.
Brain rejuvenation breakthrough: Limiting glucose could spark new neuron growth (studyfinds.org)
STANFORD, Calif. — Could the secret to maintaining a youthful, sharp mind be as simple as watching our sugar intake? A new study from Stanford Medicine suggests that glucose plays a surprising role in the aging brain’s ability to produce new neurons.
What excessive screen time does to the adult brain (longevity.stanford.edu)
Binge-watching television, watching YouTube videos for hours, or scrolling on your phone every morning may seem harmless, but research shows that too much screen time may be detrimental to your health.
Microplastics in the olfactory bulb of the human brain (jamanetwork.com)
This case series provides evidence of MPs found in the human olfactory bulb, suggesting a potential pathway for the translocation of MPs to the brain.
Part of brain network much bigger in people with depression, scientists find (theguardian.com)
Depression has a consistent mark in the brain even when symptoms are absent (nature.com)
The symptoms of depression might come and go, but new evidence suggests that the pattern of brain wiring behind it remains the same for life.
Sleep on it: How the brain processes many experiences, even when 'offline' (news.yale.edu)
Finding love: Study reveals where love lives in the brain (medicalxpress.com)
The brain simulates actions and their consequences during REM sleep (biorxiv.org)
Brain found to store three copies of every memory (newatlas.com)
A man's brain is like a little empty attic (1887) (iath.virginia.edu)
Was Penrose right? New evidence for quantum effects in the brain [video] (youtube.com)
Caffeine suppresses cerebral grey matter responses to chronic sleep restriction (nature.com)
Sleep discovery in mice suggests we've been missing the brain's micro-naps (sciencealert.com)
New study shows reactions in the brain in people who were given psilocybin (nytimes.com)
Scientists find that small regions of the brain can take micro-naps (sciencedaily.com)