Hacker News with Generative AI: Behavior

If You Think You Can Hold a Grudge, Consider the Crow (nytimes.com)
The brainy birds carry big chips on their shoulders, scientists say. And some people who become subjects of their ire may be victims of mistaken identity.
The Mindlessness of Ostensibly Thoughtful Action (1978) [pdf] (jamesclear.com)
Gibbons move with rhythm and intention. Dare we say style? (nytimes.com)
It’s not twerking. It’s not salsa or breaking. You might put it somewhere between vogueing and the robot. Whatever you want to call it, the distinctive performance style of a female gibbon is a dance, researchers say.
The First Idiot Principle (tyleo.com)
Genetic differences found to influence coffee drinking behaviors (psypost.org)
The Social Lives of the Teens Who Don't Have Phones (thecut.com)
Omega-3 supplementation reduces aggressive behavior: A meta-analytic review (sciencedirect.com)
Serotonin Affects Behavior and Motivation (neurosciencenews.com)
How to think about the effect of the economy on political attitudes / behavior? (stat.columbia.edu)
Why Cats Knock Stuff Over (2023) (gwern.net)
Flourishing romances arem the result of proactive behaviors, not soulmate spark (phys.org)