Hacker News with Generative AI: Disability

Census reveals high disability rates among gender-diverse Canadians (medicalxpress.com)
Using data from the latest census, York University researchers from the Faculty of Health found Canadians who identify as gender diverse experience disability at rates much higher than their cis counterparts. In particular, nonbinary individuals consistently had the highest levels of disabilities, followed by binary-transgender individuals.
To protest gun laws, a blind man got a handgun license (spokesman.com)
To protest Indiana’s gun laws, a blind man got a handgun license
Science YouTuber physicsgirl (Dianna Cowern) stands for the first time in 2 yrs (youtube.com)
Paralysed man communicates first words in months using brain implant (2022) (independent.co.uk)
A completely paralysed man, who was left unable to communicate for months after losing the ability to even move his eyes, has used a brain implant to ask his caregivers for a beer.
Ask HN: Should I disclose my disability when applying for jobs? (ycombinator.com)
I have a mental disability. It affected my career in the past but since getting diagnosed and treated for it a few years ago my career has improved significantly and I have been able to put in consistent work.
Teach yourself to echolocate (2018) (atlasobscura.com)
After losing his vision as an infant, Kish taught himself to move around with the help of echolocation.
The cochlear implant question (aeon.co)
As the hearing parent of a deaf baby, I’m confronted with an agonising decision: should I give her an implant to help her hear?
Amazon Makes It Harder for Disabled Employees to Work from Home (bloomberg.com)
Amazon.com Inc. is making it harder for disabled employees to get permission to work from home, underscoring the tech giant’s determination to get its corporate workforce back to the office five days a week.
'An incurable romantic': The boy who lived a secret life in World of Warcraft (bbc.com)
When Mats Steen died at the age of 25 in 2014 from a degenerative muscular disease, his parents, Robert and Trude Steen, were surprised to be contacted at their home in Norway by people from all over Europe, mourning his loss.
Amusement park built for accessibility and free for disabled (morganswonderland.org)
Seven things I wish I would not hear as an autist (superdurszlak.dev)
Among all the health conditions, diseases, disabilities and neuro-developmental challenges, it seems that Autism Spectrum Disorder is notorious for giving everybody a solid headache, no matter how they came to interact with it - as researchers, diagnosticians, autists ourselves or people who just are there around us as our family members, partners, friends or acquaintances.
A Logo on a Prosthesis Is Like a Tattoo You Didn't Ask For (theatlantic.com)
AI could be a game changer for people with disabilities (technologyreview.com)
Who is filing thousands of disability lawsuits against businesses? (wsj.com)
Looking for work after traumatic injury (ycombinator.com)
Fossil of Neanderthal child with Down's syndrome hints early humans' compassion (theguardian.com)
Streamer Beats Elden Ring with Neural Interface, No Controller (twitter.com)
ChatGPT is biased against resumes with credentials that imply a disability (washington.edu)
More disabled Americans are employed, thanks to remote work (bloomberg.com)
Disabled people tried to play by the rules. It cost them their federal benefits (text.npr.org)