Hacker News with Generative AI: Gun Control

To protest gun laws, a blind man got a handgun license (spokesman.com)
To protest Indiana’s gun laws, a blind man got a handgun license
NY Assembly Bill: Criminal background checks for (nearly all) 3D printers (nysenate.gov)
Relates to criminal history background checks for the purchase of three-dimensional printers capable of creating firearms
Police illegally sell restricted weapons, supplying crime (cbsnews.com)
Police across the U.S. are illegally selling firearms, CBS News investigation finds
Canada adds more than 300 assault-style firearms to list of banned weapons (cbc.ca)
Police illegally sell restricted weapons, supplying crime (cbsnews.com)
Police across the U.S. are illegally selling firearms, CBS News investigation finds
'Switches' are turning handguns into machine guns on Ontario streets (cbc.ca)
Toronto police have seized more devices that illegally transform semi-automatic handguns into fully automatic machine guns this year than ever before, according to new data shared with CBC News.
As the Gun Detection Tech Firm Said, Its Tech Doesn't Work in NYC Subways (techdirt.com)
What are the odds.
Federal Appeals Court Once Again Rejects Blanket Gun Ban for Cannabis Consumers (norml.org)
Kansas judge dismisses machine gun case after SCOTUS gun rights ruling (cjonline.com)
TikTok Collected US Users' Views on Gun Control, Abortion and Religion, US Says (wsj.com)
Sig Sauer guns hanging on soldiers' hips may be firing without trigger pull (npr.org)
Size Matters? Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America (sagepub.com)
Bullets for sale in some US grocery stores with ammo vending machines (apnews.com)
US Supreme Court lifts ban on gun bump stocks (bbc.com)
Size Matters? Penis Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America (nlm.nih.gov)
Sotomayor writes 9-0 opinion supporting NRA in First Amendment case [pdf] (supremecourt.gov)