Hacker News with Generative AI: Masculinity

Worthwhile Lives for Sensitive Young Men (librarianofcelaeno.substack.com)
I was very grateful for the opportunity to speak with Johann Kurtz and Dave Greene the other day and for the chance to hear their views expounded more directly, as well as to elaborate on my own. Johann Kurtz has offered an afterword and I thought I might do so as well.
The Alpha Myth: How captive wolves led us astray (anthonydavidadams.substack.com)
In 1947, at Switzerland's Basel Zoo, animal behaviorist Rudolf Schenkel peered into an enclosure of captive wolves, meticulously documenting their interactions. What he witnessed – aggressive displays of dominance, rigid hierarchies, the emergence of an "alpha" male – would spawn decades of misunderstanding about power, leadership, and masculinity.
'A fatal miscalculation': masculinity researcher on why Democrats lost young men (theguardian.com)
In the months leading up to election day, pollsters were fixated on one demographic: young men. This group, often elusive in political data, was showing signs of a notable swing toward Donald Trump and away from the progressive viewpoints of young women.
Size Matters? Penis Dissatisfaction and Gun Ownership in America (nlm.nih.gov)