Hacker News with Generative AI: Linear Algebra

Math books like Infite Powers or Calculus Made Easy but for other topics? (ycombinator.com)
I recently read the above because I wanted to refresh my calculus skills and they were exactly the level and depth for a busy software engineer. Do you have other examples of foundational math books that are readable for the interested layman, e.g. for linear algebra?
What Is a Bivector? [video] (youtube.com)
The Tensor Cookbook (2024) (tensorcookbook.com)
This book aims to standardize the notation for tensor diagrams by rewriting the classical "Matrix Cookbook" using this notation.
Anatomy of a Formal Proof (ams.org)
It has been a long day and you are making your way through a paper related to your work. You suddenly come across the following remark: “…since $x$ and $y$ are eigenvectors of $f$ with distinct eigenvalues, they are linearly independent.” Wait—how does the proof go? You should really know this. Here $x$ and $y$ are nonzero elements of a vector space $V$ and $f : V to V$ is a linear map.
Beating cuBLAS in Single-Precision General Matrix Multiplication (salykova.github.io)
This project is inspired by the outstanding works of Andrej Karpathy, George Hotz, Scott Gray, Horace He, Philippe Tillet, Jeremy Howard, Lei Mao and the best CUDA hackers from the GPU MODE community (Discord server). A special thanks to Mark Saroufim and Andreas Köpf for running GPU MODE and all you’ve done for the community.
Robotics 101 at UMich: Applied numerical linear algebra as intro linear algebra (robotics.umich.edu)
Computational Linear Algebra is a pilot first-semester, first-year undergraduate course that will show how mathematics and computation are unified for reasoning about data and making discoveries about the world.
Einsum in Depth (joelburget.com)
How I used linear algebra to build an interactive diagramming editor (medium.com)
Ah, matrices. One of those core linear algebra concepts we all encountered in school. Despite their significance, I never had the chance to work with them during my career, which led me to forget just how powerful and versatile they can be. For me, that moment came while working on Schemio, my interactive diagramming editor. This article dives into how I used matrices to solve some tricky problems, and it’s for everyone who’s curious about the math behind it.
New textbook teaches students about matrix methods and their real world apps (engin.umich.edu)
A new textbook, Linear Algebra for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Signal Processing, is being unveiled for use in classes that explore the many applications of matrix methods to real world data.
Transforming Colors with Matrices (lisyarus.github.io)
There's one trick we use at work, and now I'm using in my current medieval village building game project, which apparently isn't as well-known as I thought: transforming colors using matrices, interpreting colors as 3D RGB or 4D RGBA vectors. In this article I'll try to explain how it works and which operations on colors can be represented this way.
Show HN: OneSparse – Open Source Accelerated Sparse Linear Algebra for Postgres (github.com/OneSparse)
OneSparse Postgres extends the PostgreSQL object relational database with the state-of-the-art SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS high performance dense/sparse linear algebra library.
Neat Randomized Algorithms: RandDiag for Rapidly Diagonalizing Normal Matrices (ethanepperly.com)
Consider two complex-valued square matrices and . The first matrix is Hermitian, being equal to its conjugate transpose . The other matrix is non-Hermitian, . Let’s see how long it takes to compute their eigenvalue decompositions in MATLAB:
Linear Algebra Done Right [pdf] (axler.net)
Interactive Linear Algebra Dan Margalit, Joseph Rabinoff (math.gatech.edu)
Linear Algebra: What matrices are (2011) (wordpress.com)
Poor Foundations in Geometric Algebra (terathon.com)
Linear Algebra Done Wrong (2004) (math.brown.edu)
Introduction to Linear Algebra (freetext.org)
Linear Algebra for Data Science (kyunghyuncho.me)
Terence Tao's lecture notes on Linear Algebra (twitter.com)
Beating NumPy matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C (salykova.github.io)
Beating NumPy's matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code (salykova.github.io)
Linear Algebra 101 for AI/ML (trybackprop.com)
Shape Rotation 101: An Intro to Einsum and Jax Transformers (bearblog.dev)
Einsum for Tensor Manipulation (pages.dev)
Faer-rs: Linear algebra foundation for Rust (github.com/sarah-ek)