Hacker News with Generative AI: Supplements

Omega-3 supplements slow biological ageing (nature.com)
Omega-3 supplements have been shown to reduce the risk of falls and frailty in older people.
Lead and cadmium found in muscle-building protein powders, report says (wqow.com)
Over-the-counter protein powders may contain disturbing levels of lead and cadmium, with the highest amounts found in plant-based, organic and chocolate-flavored products, according to a new investigation.
Lead and cadmium found in muscle-building protein powders (cleanlabelproject.org)
Is Protein Powder a Scam? (nytimes.com)
Most people don’t need to consume this supplement, experts say, but it can be useful in certain situations.
Self-experiment with L-theanine: effect on sleep and cognition (metasophi.com)
Many supplements are said to improve sleep, but how can I know if they work for my individual case if the effects are not obvious? To answer this, I ran a self-experiment with L-theanine using this platform.
You Probably Don't Need That Green AG1 Smoothie (mcgill.ca)
AG1 combines the “just in case” marketing of the multivitamin industry and unproven wellness ingredients into an expensive cocktail for the worried well
Positive effects of creatine supplementation on memory in healthy individuals (nlm.nih.gov)
A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted to determine the effects of creatine supplementation on memory performance in healthy humans.
Regular Glucosamine Use and Mortality (ard.bmj.com)
The case for omega-3 supplementation to lower aggression (penntoday.upenn.edu)
The Limited Value of Multivitamin Supplements (jamanetwork.com)
Creatine improves cognitive performance during sleep deprivation (nature.com)