Hacker News with Generative AI: Grammar

Why is zero plural? (2024) (stackexchange.com)
For example, if we choose two 2s, zero 3s, and one 5, we get the divisor
The 'Blog' of 'Unnecessary' Quotation Marks (unnecessaryquotes.com)
A few months ago I had the delightful experience of a recorded conversation with Kyle and Emily from the language podcast Butter No Parsnip...
Sentence Structure for Writers (2017) (oup.com)
Some sentences just sound awkward. In order to ensure clarity, writers need to consider more than just grammar: weight is equally important.
Show HN: Harper, an Offline Grammarly Alternative (writewithharper.com)
Germans decry influence of English as 'idiot's apostrophe' gets approval (theguardian.com)
A relaxation of official rules around the correct use of apostrophes in German has not only irritated grammar sticklers but triggered existential fears around the pervasive influence of English.
Linus Torvalds declares war on the passive voice (theregister.com)
Linux contributors told to sort out their grammar lest they be actively corrected
Germans decry English influence as 'idiot's apostrophe' gets official approval (theguardian.com)
A relaxation of official rules around the correct use of apostrophes in German has not only irritated grammar sticklers but triggered existential fears around the pervasive influence of English.
Diagraming sentences in the 19th century (publicdomainreview.org)
Is there a BNF grammar of the TeX language? (2010) (stackexchange.com)
The curious case of the missing period (tjaart.substack.com)
'Proper punctuation' to return after apostrophe ban (bbc.co.uk)
North Yorkshire apostrophe fans demand road signs with nowt taken out (theguardian.com)
North Yorkshire Council to phase out apostrophe use on street signs (bbc.co.uk)
English grammar is not straightforward, from a Ukranian English teacher (stackexchange.com)