Hacker News with Generative AI: English Language

Surnames from nicknames nobody has any more (plover.com)
English has a pattern of common patronymic names. For example, "John Peters" and "John Peterson" are someone whose father was named "Peter". ("Peters" should be understood as "Peter's".) Similarly we have John Williams and John Williamson, John Roberts and John Robertson, John Richards and John Richardson, John James and John Jameson, John Johns and John Johnson, and so on.
Why is zero plural? (2024) (stackexchange.com)
For example, if we choose two 2s, zero 3s, and one 5, we get the divisor
Why China is losing interest in English (economist.com)
IN PREPARATION FOR the summer Olympics in 2008, the authorities in Beijing, the host city and China’s capital, launched a campaign to teach English to residents likely to come in contact with foreign visitors.
Why China is losing interest in English (economist.com)
IN PREPARATION FOR the summer Olympics in 2008, the authorities in Beijing, the host city and China’s capital, launched a campaign to teach English to residents likely to come in contact with foreign visitors.
The English Esoteric Programming Language (esolangs.org)
English is a declarative programming language. Many people are familiar with it even if they don't know any other programming language.
Germans decry influence of English as 'idiot's apostrophe' gets approval (theguardian.com)
A relaxation of official rules around the correct use of apostrophes in German has not only irritated grammar sticklers but triggered existential fears around the pervasive influence of English.
Is English a “creole Language”? (ldc.upenn.edu)
The premise seems to be that King Arthur has arisen again, to deal with socio-economic crises in today's Britain. I'll leave interpretation of the Arthur legend to others, and focus on the description of English as "this weird French-German creole language".
Cellar Door: a quest to find the most beautiful word in English (cellar-door.co.uk)
Constructive ways to say you think something is a bad idea (englishwithkirsty.com)
Five common English words we don't know the origins of–including 'boy' and 'dog' (phys.org)
Inventing my own writing system for English, VJScript (vkethana.com)
Can you really explain the difference? Subtle nuances of English words (lithub.com)
English grammar is not straightforward, from a Ukranian English teacher (stackexchange.com)