Hacker News with Generative AI: Aesthetics

Permacomputing Aesthetic in Computational Art, Design and Culture (2023) [pdf] (monoskop.org)
Notepat – Aesthetic Computer (aesthetic.computer)
Cellar Door: a quest to find the most beautiful word in English (cellar-door.co.uk)
Ask HN: Why are AI generated images so shiny/glossy? (ycombinator.com)
Trainwreck Design (j3s.sh)
Brutalist buildings should stay, even if people think they're ugly (npr.org)
Beautiful shadows need beautiful colors (kooslooijesteijn.net)
The Banishment of Beauty from Everyday Life (honest-broker.com)
Sun Microsystems logo: the most beautiful logo design (objectively) (wikimedia.org)
What are the most visually appealing blogs you've seen? (ycombinator.com)
Beautiful Ugly Websites (productidentity.co)
What is Frutiger Aero, the aesthetic taking over from Y2K? (dazeddigital.com)