Hacker News with Generative AI: Childhood Development

A unified account of why optimism declines in childhood (nature.com)
Half of US adults exposed to harmful lead levels as kids (2022) (apnews.com)
Over 170 million U.S.-born people who were adults in 2015 were exposed to harmful levels of lead as children, a new study estimates.
Diabetes risk soars for adults who had a sweet tooth as kids (nature.com)
It’s tough news to hear on Halloween: a sugary diet in the first two years of life is linked to a higher risk of diabetes and high blood pressure decades later, according to an analysis of UK sugar rationing in the 1950s.
The Marshmallow Test does not reliably predict adult functioning (wiley.com)
Childhood Loneliness Linked to Later Psychosis (neurosciencenews.com)