Show HN: I built PixSpeed to optimize website images for free
Reduce image sizes (PNG, JPG, JPEG, WEBP and AVIF) for faster loading times and enhanced website performance.
Reduce image sizes (PNG, JPG, JPEG, WEBP and AVIF) for faster loading times and enhanced website performance.
Show HN: We made the first WordPress Resizer that resizes images pre-upload
Hi HN, we (Rowan and Joerie) created Resize Control! It's our first project together so we are really excited to show you.
Hi HN, we (Rowan and Joerie) created Resize Control! It's our first project together so we are really excited to show you.
Squoosh – Free local image compression web app
Smaller images mean faster load times. Squoosh can reduce file size and maintain high quality.
Smaller images mean faster load times. Squoosh can reduce file size and maintain high quality.
WebP: The WebPage Compression Format
I want to provide a smooth experience to my site visitors, so I work on accessibility and ensure it works without JavaScript enabled. I care about page load time because some pages contain large illustrations, so I minify my HTML.
I want to provide a smooth experience to my site visitors, so I work on accessibility and ensure it works without JavaScript enabled. I care about page load time because some pages contain large illustrations, so I minify my HTML.