Hacker News with Generative AI: Sound

Supersonic flight is possible without an audible sonic boom (boomsupersonic.com)
As demonstrated on XB-1, supersonic flight is possible without an audible sonic boom.
Ask HN: Seeking device to normalize audio output for consistent volume levels (ycombinator.com)
Hello hn. I'm looking for a device that I can insert between the audio output and speaker to normalize the audio.
Grug’s Guide to Sound (petrustheron.com)
The Color of Noise (2014) (caseymuratori.com)
Everyone knows what “white noise” is, at least intuitively. People say “white noise” to refer to the static on an analog radio or the sound of ocean waves breaking on the beach. But have you ever wondered why the term “white noise” is common, yet you never hear noise referred to as being any other color, like “red noise” or “green noise”?
Psychoacoustic and archeoacoustic nature of ancient Aztec skull whistles (nature.com)
Archaeologists have discovered numerous ceramic or clay whistles at Aztec sites, dubbed "death whistles" because of their distinctive skull shapes.
The scary sound of Aztec skull whistles (caneuro.github.io)
The scary sound of Aztec skull whistles
Study reveals Starship's sound levels; shows differences between SLS, Falcon 9 (nasaspaceflight.com)
When SpaceX launched Starship and Super Heavy for its first flight test in April 2023, the rocket became the most powerful ever flown, mostly due in part to Super Heavy’s 33 Raptor engines.
Chi-fi tuning – Why it sounds piercing to Western ears (2020) (audioreviews.org)
The Sound of the Dialup, Pictured (2012) (windytan.com)
If you ever connected to the Internet before the 2000s, you probably remember that it made a peculiar sound. But despite becoming so familiar, it remained a mystery for most of us. What do these sounds mean?
Why does FM sound better than AM? (johndcook.com)
The original form of radio broadcast was amplitude modulation (AM). With AM radio, the changes in the amplitude of the carrier wave carries the signal you want to broadcast.
How electric trains work and why they make interesting sounds [video] (youtube.com)
Can Brown Noise Turn Off Your Brain? (nytimes.com)
The noise sounds like wind, or heavy rain, or the steady hum of an airline jet. It sounds like water rushing somewhere in the distance, like a gentle fan ruffling currents of cool air. It’s soothing, steady, slightly rumbly.
Surprising sounds could cause riskier decision-making (news.yale.edu)
Yale researchers discovered that hearing an unexpected sound just before making a decision led people to make riskier choices.
Making a rickroll laser: A parametric speaker (10maurycy10.github.io)
Most speakers emit sound in all directions because they are relatively small compared to the wavelength.
DOjS – A DOS JavaScript Canvas with Sound (github.com/SuperIlu)
"Frost crack" sounds may come from sky, not trees (nautil.us)
What makes e natural? (2004) (komal.hu)
Sharing wildlife sounds from all over the world (xeno-canto.org)
Map of forest sounds from around the world (timberfestival.org.uk)
Stability AI releases a sound generator (techcrunch.com)
AI headphones let wearer listen to a single person in a crowd by looking at them (washington.edu)
New macOS Bug: Screenshot Sound Plays When AirPods Connect/Disconnects (reddit.com)
Why you can hear the temperature of water (nytimes.com)
Sound-suppressing silk can create quiet spaces (news.mit.edu)