Hacker News with Generative AI: Radio

Tiny Ten DSP-Based HF Transceiver (janbob.com)
This all started while on a backpack in Oregon's Cascade Mountains. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery of our alpine valley. The lake in front of the tent was crystal clear and reflected the surrounding mountains. But, radio signals were all shielded from us. Not only were there no Cell signals, but we could only receive one weak FM broadcast station.
The Taylorator – All Your Frequencies Are Belong to Us (scd31.com)
For the past two weeks or so, I've been working on constructing the Taylorator. The Taylorator is a piece of software which allows me to flood the FM broadcast band with Taylor Swift's music. No matter where you tune your radio, you will only be able to listen to her!
NTS Radio: ad-free, 24/7 radio that plays an eclectic range of music (nts.live)
Sleep Baseball (sleepbaseball.com)
Northwoods Baseball Sleep Radio is a full-length fake baseball game.
All-Band Receiver Lets You Listen to All the Radio at Once (hackaday.com)
There are many ways to build a radio receiver, but most have a few things in common, such as oscillators, tuned circuits, detectors, mixers, and amplifiers.
Stephen King's rock radio station won't go silent after all (apnews.com)
Horror author Stephen King’s rock ‘n’ roll radio station is going to continue rocking around the clock and into the new year.
Power up and tear down of a Rohde and Schwarz SKTU BN 4151/2/5 noise generator (makertube.net)
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For > 50 years BBC Somali service inadvertently broadcasted anti-colonial msg (theguardian.com)
The British Broadcasting Corporation’s Somali service theme tune is one of the most popular and recognisable sounds for people in Somalia and the diaspora. With a whistling rhythm and melody, it is authoritative and catchy. The words that follow the music haven’t changed for more than 60 years: “Halkaniwaa BBC – this is the BBC.”
Subchannel Stations: The Radio Broadcasts You Didn't Know Were There (hackaday.com)
Analog radio broadcasts are pretty simple, right? Tune into a given frequency on the AM or FM bands, and what you hear is what you get. Or at least, that used to be the way, before smart engineers started figuring out all kinds of sneaky ways for extra signals to hop on to mainstream broadcasts.
SignalSDR Pro: A rugged, compact, high-performance SDR (crowdsupply.com)
SignalSDR Pro combines portability and performance. With roughly the footprint of a credit card or a Raspberry Pi SBC, SignalSDR Pro is the perfect companion for anyone who needs powerful tools without the bulk. From signal processing and spectrum analysis to communication systems and beyond, SignalSDR Pro allows you to tackle complex SDR projects quickly.
Russian UVB-76 radio station broadcasts burst of mysterious messages (meduza.io)
Russia’s mysterious UVB-76 radio station, known for its constant buzzing and occasional cryptic messages, sent out a near record number of transmissions on December 11.
Show HN: I built an HTML5 RTL-SDR application (ea1iti.es)
Stephen King shuts down money-losing radio stations after 40 years (bangordailynews.com)
Zone Corporation, Stephen King’s radio station company, announced on Monday that it will cease operations at the end of this month.
Software-defined (Internet) radio with Liquidsoap (2023) (yossarian.net)
This is going to be another short “how-to” blog post on music management, this time on declarative Internet radio streaming with Liquidsoap. I couldn’t find a ton of great examples of Liquidsoap online while defining my own radio stream (besides the project’s own excellent docs), so I figured I’d write one.
Show HN: World's Radio – Listen to Radio Stations Worldwide (worldsradio.com)
In 1924, the US Turned Off Their Radios to Search for Life on Mars (iflscience.com)
Project: Verdad–tracking misinformation in radio broadcasts using Gemini 1.5 (simonwillison.net)
I’m starting a new interview series called Project. The idea is to interview people who are building interesting data projects and talk about what they’ve built, how they built it, and what they learned along the way.
Practical Radio Circuits (2003) [pdf] (fracassi.net)
I discovered mysterious hidden signals on a public radio channel (2013) [video] (media.ccc.de)
How I discovered mysterious hidden signals on a public radio channel and eventually found out their meaning through hardware hacking, reverse engineering and little cryptanalysis.
Long wave radio fans mourn fading frequencies (2023) (bbc.com)
As he turned the dial gently but purposefully, the sound of people speaking in foreign languages and the lilt of unfamiliar music burst through a haze of crackle and buzz.
Polish radio station ditches DJs, journalists for AI-generated college kids (theregister.com)
A Polish radio station has ditched its on-air talent for AI in what its editor-in-chief calls an experiment on the effect of AI in society, though it looks like a bid to save cash.
Parks on the Air (parksontheair.com)
Why does FM sound better than AM? (johndcook.com)
The original form of radio broadcast was amplitude modulation (AM). With AM radio, the changes in the amplitude of the carrier wave carries the signal you want to broadcast.
The Beginnings of FM Radio Broadcasting (2018) (theradiohistorian.org)
What happens when you touch a pickle to an AM radio tower (jeffgeerling.com)
A few months ago, our [AM radio hot dog experiment](https://www.instagram.com/insights/media/3333127873529510767/) went mildly viral.
The 'Freakish Radio Writings' of 1924 (centauri-dreams.org)
All this comes to mind this morning because of an intriguing story sent along by my friend Al Jackson, whose work on interstellar propulsion is well known in these pages, as is his deep involvement with the Apollo program.
Rearchiving 2M hours of digital radio, a comprehensive process (digitalpreservation-blog.nb.no)
How a tiny radio station came to play a continuous loop since the late-1990s (northjersey.com)
The END OF 900Mhz (NexNav proposes removing band from amateur and LoRa) [video] (youtube.com)
ANTSDR: Low-cost SDR Alternatives for Ettus Research and Lime Microsystems (github.com/MicroPhase)