Hacker News with Generative AI: Stephen King

Stephen King's rock radio station won't go silent after all (apnews.com)
Horror author Stephen King’s rock ‘n’ roll radio station is going to continue rocking around the clock and into the new year.
Stephen King to shut down his 3 radio stations in Maine (nytimes.com)
Stephen King, the horror author whose books have sold hundreds of millions of copies, inspired classic films and disturbed untold nights of sleep, has long played another role closer to his home in Maine: local media magnate.
Stephen King shuts down money-losing radio stations after 40 years (bangordailynews.com)
Zone Corporation, Stephen King’s radio station company, announced on Monday that it will cease operations at the end of this month.
Stanley Kubrick's Annotated Copy of Stephen King's the Shining (openculture.com)
The web site Over­look Hotel has post­ed pic­tures of Stan­ley Kubrick’s per­son­al copy of Stephen King’s nov­el The Shin­ing. The book is filled with high­light­ed pas­sages and large­ly illeg­i­ble notes in the margin—tantalizing clues to Kubrick’s inten­tions for the movie.