27 points by darkswordreams 39 days ago | 11 comments
Das Blinkenlights(rodyne.com) Probably the only German word I know, and, quite by accident, became the title of my last hobby project, a project to give some bling to my boring local RPI-based rack server without impacting the power budget too much.
Show HN: Adventures in OCR(medusis.com) This past few weeks I've been working on OCRing an ancient book: a late 19th century edition of 18th century memoirs, in French: Les Mémoires de Saint-Simon.
Show HN: I built a Iridium/LTE satellite GPS tracker and took it to the Arctic(github.com/cepa) One off challenge to build a custom GPS tracker that sends data to cloud over LTE and Iridium networks. Tested successfully on the expedition yacht S/Y Southern Star while crossing Barents Sea from Norway to Svalbard in the Arctics. Built with RockBLOCK 9603N(Iridium), SIMCOM7600G (LTE/GSM) and STM32 microcontroller (ARM,FreeRTOS).
572 points by dmitrygr 153 days ago | 162 comments
Zero Dependencies(tbray.org) Here’s a tiny little done-in-a-couple-hours project consisting of a single static Web page and a cute little badge you can slap on your GitHub project.