Hacker News with Generative AI: Perception

Do ambiguous images provide psychological insights? Testing a popular claim (peerj.com)
Social media posts and websites claim that the way in which people perceive ambiguous images reveals insights into their personality and thinking style.
How the Brain Distinguishes Memories from Perceptions (quantamagazine.org)
The neural representations of a perceived image and the memory of it are almost the same. New work shows how and why they are different.
We See Colors Differently (davidmathlogic.com)
Social media distorts perceptions of norms (2024) (osf.io)
Look Deep into the Mind's Eye (carlzimmer.com)
One day in 2005, a retired building surveyor in Edinburgh visited his doctor with a strange complaint: His mind’s eye had suddenly gone blind.
Ticker Tape Synesthesia (thesynesthesiatree.com)
"Ticker taping" consists of automatically visualising written words in the form of subtitles when hearing other people speak. It can also occur with one’s own speech and/or with internal dialogue, i.e. verbal thinking.
'Visual clutter' alters information flow in the brain (news.yale.edu)
Too much stuff in the periphery of our vision can make it difficult to identify what we’re seeing. Yale researchers now know how that clutter affects the brain.
People who are colorblind are less likely to be picky eaters (theconversation.com)
The seventh season of Julia Child’s “The French Chef,” the first of the television series to air in color, revealed how color can change the experience of food.
A rare disorder makes people see monsters (newyorker.com)
The "uncanny" is the experience of a loss of control (medium.com)
Stupid Slow: The Perceived Speed of Computers (datagubbe.se)
Perception of when old age starts has increased over time, shows study (theguardian.com)
Ask HN: What movies changed your perception of reality or life? (ycombinator.com)