Hacker News with Generative AI: Modeling

Climate Models Can't Explain What's Happening to Earth (theatlantic.com)
Fifty years into the project of modeling Earth’s future climate, we still don’t really know what’s coming.
Limits to Growth (1972) (bit-player.org)
"Computation and the Human Predicament," in the May–June issue of American Scientist, discusses the World3 computer model, introduced in the 1972 book The Limits to Growth. As a way of better understanding the inner structure of the model, I have been working to re-implement it as a web application. The current state of this project is on exhibit here.
Symbolic Reference and Hardware Models in Python (tomverbeure.github.io)
In a professional FPGA or ASIC development flow, multiple models are tested against each other to ensure that the final design behaves the way it should.
Modelica (modelica.org)
Modelica is an object oriented language to model cyber-physical systems.
Reducing salt 1g daily in China could prevent ~9M cardiovascular events by 2030 (nutrition.bmj.com)
Reducing daily salt intake in China by 1 g could prevent almost 9 million cardiovascular events by 2030: a modelling study
Disillusionment with Climate Models (pubs.aip.org)
Probability Estimates of a 21st Century AMOC Collapse (arxiv.org)
Modeling study proposes a diamond layer at the core-mantle boundary on Mercury (phys.org)
Tlsd: Generate (message) sequence diagrams from TLA+ state traces (github.com/eras)
Modeling B-Trees in TLA+ (surfingcomplexity.blog)
An air quality model that is evolving with the times (eos.org)
A global plastic treaty will only work if it caps production, modeling shows (phys.org)
Modeling societal demise and reversal (frontiersin.org)