Hacker News with Generative AI: Planetary Science

Extreme supersonic winds measured on a planet outside our solar system (phys.org)
Astronomers have discovered extremely powerful winds pummeling the equator of WASP-127b, a giant exoplanet.
Mercury's shadowy North Pole revealed by M-CAM 1 (esa.int)
The anomalous state of Uranus's magnetosphere during the Voyager 2 flyby (nature.com)
The Voyager 2 flyby of Uranus in 1986 revealed an unusually oblique and off-centred magnetic field.
NASA's Europa Clipper Launch (youtube.com)
Discussing the Neptunian desert, savanna, and ridge (mathstodon.xyz)
Asteroid Ceres was an ocean world that slowly formed into a giant, murky icy orb (phys.org)
Since the first sighting of the first-discovered and largest asteroid in our solar system was made in 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, astronomers and planetary scientists have pondered the make-up of this asteroid/dwarf planet.
Dwarf planet Ceres: Origin in the asteroid belt? (mpg.de)
Bright yellow deposits in Consus Crater bear witness to dwarf planet Ceres' cryovolcanic past - and revive the debate about its place of origin.
Modeling study proposes a diamond layer at the core-mantle boundary on Mercury (phys.org)
Earth's inner core rotation has begun moving backwards (earth.com)
Earth's core has slowed so much it's moving backward (cnn.com)
Mapping the Red Planet with the Power of Open Science (nasa.gov)
Why Nothing Can Grow on Mars (asimov.press)
The Origin of Jupiter's Great Red Spot (arxiv.org)
Miyake event – estimated to be every 400–2400 years (wikipedia.org)