Citigroup Makes (and Then Fixes) an $81T Mistake( Citigroup accidentally credited a client’s account with $81 trillion when it meant to send only $280, the latest mistake at a bank that is struggling to repair its reputation after a string of errors in recent years.
67 points by lukasgelbmann 35 days ago | 54 comments
AI Mistakes Are Different from Human Mistakes( Humans make mistakes all the time. All of us do, every day, in tasks both new and routine. Some of our mistakes are minor and some are catastrophic. Mistakes can break trust with our friends, lose the confidence of our bosses, and sometimes be the difference between life and death.
AI Mistakes Are Different from Human Mistakes( Humans make mistakes all the time. All of us do, every day, in tasks both new and routine. Some of our mistakes are minor and some are catastrophic. Mistakes can break trust with our friends, lose the confidence of our bosses, and sometimes be the difference between life and death.
AI Mistakes Are Very Different Than Human Mistakes( Humans make mistakes all the time. All of us do, every day, in tasks both new and routine. Some of our mistakes are minor and some are catastrophic. Mistakes can break trust with our friends, lose the confidence of our bosses, and sometimes be the difference between life and death.
362 points by gus_leonel 102 days ago | 207 comments
Thing Deleted 3 Months of Work( I had just downloaded vscode as an alternative and I was just playing with the source control option, seeing how it wanted to stage FIVE THOUSAND FILES I clicked discard... AND IT DELETED ALL MY FILES, ALL OF THEM, PERMANENTLY!
25 points by thesuperbigfrog 109 days ago | 27 comments
How to Ruin an Engineering Organization( Some of the best leaders I’ve worked with told me they’ve spent years observing things in their work. As part of their growth, they were mindful and took notes. Specifically, notes of the kind of “things not to do when I’m in charge.” I realized that I have a few good examples to share. Let’s go over how to lose an engineering org in 10 ways.
How to Turn Your Mistakes into Masterpieces: The Art of Happy Accidents (2023)( Have you ever made a mistake while painting, drawing, or sculpting and felt like giving up? Have you ever wondered how some artists can turn their errors into creative opportunities? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this blog post is for you. In this post, I will share with you some examples of happy accidents in art history, and some tips on how to embrace your own mistakes and turn them into masterpieces.
Lessons from MKBHD's App Brouhaha( If you have a long career in media and writing in public like I have, you’re likely to make some mistakes. And you’re going to have some regrets.