Hacker News with Generative AI: Pensions

Pictures of Pensions (calcwithdec.dev)
With apologies to my pensions actuary friends - saving for a pension is rarely anyone’s idea of a great time.
China's single-child generation frets over country's pension system (channelnewsasia.com)
China’s pension system has been under immense pressure due to a rapidly ageing population and declining birth rates, which means more looking to receive payments but fewer working and funding the system.
Bankrupt Trucker Yellow Loses Ruling over $6.5B in Pension Debts (bloomberg.com)
Bankrupt trucker Yellow Corp. and its hedge fund owners lost a key court ruling over $6.5 billion in debt that pension funds claim the defunct company owes them, likely wiping out most recovery for shareholders.
Nevada’s public employee pension fund invests passively and beats peers (2016) (wsj.com)
Google accidentally deleted a $125B pension fund's account (qz.com)
Japan and the Lost Generation's Looming Pension Crisis (2023) (nippon.com)