Hacker News with Generative AI: Engineering Management

In the trenches: on being an Engineering Manager (digital-horror.com)
This post is a collection of personal reflections from my time working as an EM and similar roles. It’s not meant to be a comprehensive guide but rather a snapshot of the lessons I’ve learned and the challenges I’ve faced. For those looking to transition into leadership, or even for engineers wanting to understand management better, I hope this offers some insight into the realities of the role.
How to Ruin an Engineering Organization (avivbenyosef.com)
Some of the best leaders I’ve worked with told me they’ve spent years observing things in their work. As part of their growth, they were mindful and took notes. Specifically, notes of the kind of “things not to do when I’m in charge.” I realized that I have a few good examples to share. Let’s go over how to lose an engineering org in 10 ways.
A Taxonomy of Tech Debt (2018) (riotgames.com)
Hi there. I’m Bill “LtRandolph” Clark, and I’m the engineering manager for the Champions team on LoL. I’ve worked on several different teams on League over the past years, but one focus has been consistent: I’m obsessed with tech debt. I want to find it, I want to understand it, and where possible, I want to fix it.
How to manage oncall as an engineering manager? (ycombinator.com)
As a relatively new engineering manager, I oversee a team handling a moderate volume of on-call issues (typically 4-5 per week).
What I gave up to become an engineering manager (emdiary.substack.com)
What helped me succeed as an IC isn’t gonna help me succeed as an EM.
Ask HN: How to deal with memory/cognition slowing down as an engineering leader? (ycombinator.com)
Ask HN: What do Engineering Managers do at your company? (ycombinator.com)