Hacker News with Generative AI: Measurement

Optical Frequency Combs (nist.gov)
Optical frequency combs are specialized lasers that act like a ruler for light. They measure exact frequencies of light — from the invisible infrared and ultraviolet to visible red, yellow, green and blue light — quickly and accurately.
Laser technique measures distances with nanometre precision (newscientist.com)
A new way to gauge distance using lasers can measure lengths of more than 100 kilometres to within a thousandth of the width of a human hair, and could be used to make better space telescopes.
Measuring hardware overhang (2020) (lesswrong.com)
How can we measure a potential AI or hardware overhang? For the problem of chess, modern algorithms gained two orders of magnitude in compute (or ten years in time) compared to older versions.
How to measure frequency response of a speaker at home (crabman.me)
Short answer: no, Soundcore Motion+ sounds the same via bluetooth and aux-in.
The Revised SI of physical units (2019), Max Planck (1900), and 'Planck scale' (osf.io)
Show HN: Weave - actually measure engineering productivity (workweave.ai)
Welcome to Weave
Measuring keyboard-to-photon latency with a light sensor (2023) (thume.ca)
For a long time when I’ve wanted to test the latency of computers and UIs I’ve used the Is It Snappy app with my iPhone’s high speed camera to count frames between when I press a key and when the screen changes. However the problem with that is it takes a while to find the exact frames you want, which is annoying when doing a bunch of testing.
Cannot Measure Productivity (2003) (martinfowler.com)
We see so much emotional discussion about software process, design practices and the like. Many of these arguments are impossible to resolve because the software industry lacks the ability to measure some of the basic elements of the effectiveness of software development. In particular we have no way of reasonably measuring productivity.
Gauge Block (wikipedia.org)
Gauge blocks (also known as gage blocks, Johansson gauges, slip gauges, or Jo blocks) are a system for producing precision lengths.
BMI-type measure for a place's "goodness of weather" (ycombinator.com)
Using Euro coins as weights (2004) (rubinghscience.org)
Here is a cheap way to obtain a set of standard weights, for measuring weights up to about 100 gram, to an accuracy of about 0.5 gram : Use the coins of the currency of your country. Thus one can make use of the fact that these coins are fabricated in mass production, and because of that have not only a constant shape and size, but also a constant and accurately fixed weight.
Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) Basics (te.com)
LVDTs provide reliable position measurement for applications in subsea, power generation, industrial automation, aerospace, test and measurement, and more.
Actual Size Online Ruler (Mm,Cm,Inches) – Screen Measurements (ginifab.com)
This is a convenient online ruler that could be calibrated to actual size, measurements in cm, mm and inch, the upper half is the millimeter ruler and centimeter ruler, the lower half is an inch ruler.
MOA Meaning: Minute of Angle Explained – RifleShooter (rifleshootermag.com)
Reading my electric meter with RTLSDR (pdx.su)
Measure Schools on Student Growth (brettcvz.com)
120cm to inches (google.com)
A useful productivity measure? (jamesshore.com)
How to Determine the Error of an Air Quality Sensor? (airgradient.com)