Hacker News with Generative AI: Climate

Who needs weather reports anyway? (vox.com)
More layoffs have hit the federal government, this time at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the United States’s main weather forecaster and the world’s premier research agency for the seas and the skies.
Five winter storms could deliver more snow than the last two winters combined (cnn.com)
Antarctic bases went from wooden huts to sci-fi chic(2017) (bbc.com)
How do you build in the most isolated place on Earth? For decades Antarctica - the only continent with no indigenous population - hosted only the simplest huts as human shelters. But, as Matthew Teller finds out, architecture in the coldest, driest, windiest reaches of our planet is getting snazzier.
Show HN: Gribstream.com – Historical Weather Forecast API (gribstream.com)
Leverage The National Blend of Models (NBM) & The Global Forecast System (GFS)
Beyond Köppen-Geiger Climate Classification System: Extensions and Alternatives (blogspot.com)
For a while now, I've been using the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system for my climate tutorials and explorations, for much the same reason it's commonly used for studies of Earth's climate; it's a flexible and widely-recognized standard that sums up the most important climate distinctions without getting too lost in fine details (for the most part).
Seoul blanketed by heaviest November snow on record (bbc.com)
Seoul has recorded its heaviest November snowfall since records began over a century ago in 1907.
Saudi Arabia's Al-Jawf Desert Region Sees Historic Snowfall (weather.com)
BMI-type measure for a place's "goodness of weather" (ycombinator.com)
IBM and NASA Open-Source Model for Weather and Climate Applications (newsroom.ibm.com)
IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced a new AI foundation model for a variety of weather and climate use cases, available in open-source to the scientific, developer, and business communities.
IBM and NASA Release OS Model for Weather and Climate Applications (newsroom.ibm.com)
IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced a new AI foundation model for a variety of weather and climate use cases, available in open-source to the scientific, developer, and business communities.
A Deluge for the Sahara (nasa.gov)
The Sahara Desert is renowned for its barren, arid landscapes that, in some areas, receive just a few inches (tens of millimeters) of rain per year. Still, when it rains in the world’s largest non-polar desert, it can most certainly pour.
Hurricane season has flatlined. When will it roar back to life? (washingtonpost.com)
Antarctic temperatures soar 50 degrees above norm in long-lasting heat wave (washingtonpost.com)
Neural general circulation models for weather and climate (nature.com)
Why Warm Climates Tend to Create Poor Economies (observer.com)
Volcanoes can affect climate (usgs.gov)
US Olympic and other teams will bring their own AC units to Paris (apnews.com)
NOAA predicts above-normal 2024 Atlantic hurricane season (noaa.gov)
Atlantic hurricane season will be 'extraordinary,' forecasters warn (npr.org)
Six charts help to explain 2024's freakish temperatures (economist.com)