Hacker News with Generative AI: Outsourcing

As IBM pushes for automation, its AI simply not up to the job of replacing staff (theregister.com)
IBM's plan to replace thousands of roles with AI presently looks more like outsourcing jobs to India, at the expense of organizational competency.
Ask HN: Why hasn't there been more outsourcing of tech jobs to Japan? (ycombinator.com)
Boeing and the perils of outsourcing mission-critical work (computerworld.com)
The Time I Convinced the CTO Not to Outsource Our Developers (GrumpyOldDev.com)
Google's new US layoffs are to replace core jobs in Mexico and India (androidpolice.com)
VMware outsourcing their support (rubenerd.com)
North Korean animation outsourcing for Amazon, HBO Max series (38north.org)