Hacker News with Generative AI: Genomics

Genomics Is Not Language – LLMs Won't Work (medium.com)
Genomics and language are often compared for their structural similarities.
Viroid-like colonists of human microbiomes (biorxiv.org)
Here, we describe the “Obelisks,” a previously unrecognised class of viroid-like elements that we first identified in human gut metatranscriptomic data.
Nucleotide Transformer: building robust foundation models for human genomics (nature.com)
The prediction of molecular phenotypes from DNA sequences remains a longstanding challenge in genomics, often driven by limited annotated data and the inability to transfer learnings between tasks.
1 Genomic Test Can Diagnose Nearly Any Infection (ucsf.edu)
A genomic test developed at UC San Francisco to rapidly detect almost any kind of pathogen – virus, bacteria, fungus or parasite – has proved successful after a decade of use.
Yesterday, I plugged this guy into my laptop and sequenced a genome in 24 hours (reddit.com)
In the 90s, Human Genome Project cost billions of dollars and took over 10 years. Yesterday, I plugged this guy into my laptop and sequenced a genome in 24 hours.
'Post genomic era' reveals nothing less than a new biology (geneticliteracyproject.org)
The transformative advances of the post-genomic decades are revealing nothing less than a new biology: an extraordinary and fresh picture of how life works.
The most ancient human genome yet has been sequenced – and it's a Denisovan's (science.org)
Complete X and Y Chromosome Sequences of Living Great Ape Species Determined (sciencedaily.com)
Launch HN: Volta Labs (YC W19) – Easier sample prep for genomics (ycombinator.com)